Thursday, December 29, 2005

Us the Movie

Matt brought up an interesting concept, who would play us in a movie? I have some suggestions, but I would really love to know what u think.

Bruce Campbell as John
This Michigander began acting professionally as the King in a production of "The King and I" at age 14. He attended Western Michigan University for about 6 months before leaving to pursue film making. He went on to make the great B-movie series, and cult classic, "Evil Dead". His character, Ash, is the hero and has a chainsaw in place of one hand. His official Biography is titled: "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a 'B' Movie Actor."

Bruce would play a great John because he is very sell-educated, funny, not the coolest but still a great hero. And do you know any actor who looks MORE like John?

Jane Seymour as Rachael
Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg was born in Middlesex, England. She is most known for her role as Dr. Quinn on the TV series "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" which debued in 1993. She has done many well-received TV movies but her big screen success has been limited. She appeared in a movie called "Somewhere In Time" which the late Christopher Reeve set on Mackinac Island. Two of her sons are named after family friends Johnny Cash and Christopher Reeve. She appeared most recently in the film "Wedding Crashers." Jane is an official spokesperson for UNICEF. She is also odd-eyed, hey right being green and the other gray.

Well, not that Rachael has gray, green, or odd-colored eyes, her eyes do remind me of Jane's. Her long hair and half smile also remind me of Rachael. Her character, Dr. Quinn, was always strong, smart, and independent, characteristics right at home in Rachael as well.

Matt Damon as Jarud
The Massechusett's native, and friend of Ben Afleck rose to stardom with the movie "Good Will Hunting." The tale of the genius janitor lead to other great films for Damon. The Bourne movies, a third one in the works, and Ocean's 11 & 12 were great box office successes. My favorite movie of Matt's is "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Damon plays Ripley, a man who lives a life of lies in Italy, leaching onto Jude Law's character and killing the people Ripley loves most.
Matt Damon is a very talented actor. I don't think it is a coincidence that he seems to play curiously inteligent people role after role. Behind his wide smile, through his eyes, there is a very complex mind. Jarud has always seemed like a bit of a mystery to me as well. Just when you think you can predict him, he falls in love with "Phantom of the Opera."

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Harry Potter

Ok this is the main problem I have with Harry Potter: The morality is wrong.
I was thinking about my discussion with Kenric and John and I realized I did not explain something the correct way. The problem with Harry Potter's law-breaking is that he is not usually breaking unjust laws. There is a difference between breaking a law because it is unjust, or just plain wrong, and breaking a law because you 'feel' like you should break it in order to remedy a situation. Many of the laws Harry breaks are not unjust, in fact they are quite good laws, such as the laws reguarding underage magic. There are other times when Dumbledore ( or some other person on the 'good' side) will tell Harry, "stay here for your own safety and the safety of others" and Harry will disregaurd them and, by some fluke, save the day. I don't have examples right now but I will find them...not exactly excited about going back into the books, but I'll let Kenric have his say.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Harry Potter

Well i read the first two books...not impressed not at all...will update later...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia

20050222_prague_angel, narnia
Originally uploaded by zyphichore.

Ok, if you guys didn't go see the movie yet, you have to. I just saw it tonight and I was fantastic. I wouldn't say that it's better than any of The Lord of the Rings movies overall, but in some ways it is.

Anywho, I have finals this coming week and will be arriving home Friday night. I will be home until January 16th.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"Snow Baller"

Yeah, this is pretty much genius...or maybe pointless. But, take a look at it anyway.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by jcasabona.
we have to see this, i think. maybe. it would be so cool. if we want to see it we have to get tickets asap. the shows are this sunday @ 2:30 and 7:30. let me know if you are interested and i will order tickets. its at grand rapids @ van andel arena. the only bad thing: tickets are $39.50 and $49.50.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Money and Lights...

Well, today was very interesting after mass.

I went to the computer lab and then decided to go eat, so I started eating around 1:00 in the TLC lounge area. I was about done with my lunch when somene walked in and asked me for money. He didn't threaten me or anything you guys are thinking of. He said he needed money for, I forgot what he needed it for, but I decided to give him 5 dollars, but I only had a 20, so I went to get change. And then he told me he would pray for me, after I gave it to him. Hopefully, he really needed the money, and not cheating me. But I felt kind enough to give it to him. And then, I read some Harry Potter before I took my math test. And then I paid for my classes, and coming out of the building, I finally saw the "smoke tent" or whatever, which I didn't see until today. And also (keep the post going, Tom), why do they have signs all over saying LCC is a "Smoke Free" campus, when really it isn't. The Campus, includes the walkways too, right? So that is so dumb. Anyway, that is all I have to say, besides Rachael is mean.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


A free birthday shall be awarded to the person who can correctly identify what would be considered courteous to a meter maid in the event that she was backing up to write you a ticket while you were going towards your car to put money in the meter. (sorry sarah, but you can't play)

back pain

Alright...we are not going to michgan's adventure this back is still screwed up from that and i am tired of it bugging me...i can't get comfortable sleeping at night and even sitting in a chair is bugging no mas michigan...mmmm we should go camping though...maybe us girls will take a trip to maine...HEY lets go ice skating soon...cause it would be fun and i love ice skating...rachael and kenric...does your pond freeze over? cause then we could play hockey or something...we wouldn't even need skates....boot hockey is awesomnessly fun....just a tennis ball and some sticks..or a puck if my brothers still have one.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pretty much wanna crawl in a hole and hide...

Ahhhh guys...I'm so stupid. Ok, so I did something really embarassing. It was unintentional, but still probably in my top 10 list of most embarassing things I've done. You guys are probably thinking of, not that. I'm not telling what it was, but after that, I went to the library to get a book and I kept dropping everything!! I dropped 3 books off the shelf, then my water, which spilled all over the floor. I went back to looking at books, dropped another one, then went to check it out, told the guy at the desk that I'm a klutz and dropped my star card. ("At least you didn't spill your water," he said.) Sarah would say...gaaaa...or something of the sort at this moment. He told me not to feel too bad, that he backed his car into a brick wall today.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Why I shouldn't Shave My Beard

Why I shouldn't shave my beard:

1. Cool people just think it is sweet.

2. It makes me look cute.

3. It is cold outside, so it would be good for the winter season outside while building houses. It would be a blanket for my face. Believe it or not, but after I shaved my goatie, it was a little bit colder.

Why I should shave my beard:

1. Girls know fashion.

2. Sarah said to.

3. I might have a better chance of getting a girlfriend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


What a great number, especially when you do one on M-21. Yes, I used the Buck Mobile to do a 180. Yup, I didn't mean to but I tried braking, but for some reason (I think it is because I have good brakes on one side and bad brakes on the other) I spun around by the ditch by my road, and I ended up facing the other way on the side of the road. It is funny because 3 cars drove right by me as I was spinning around. I didn't get stuck thankfully, or hit people. It happened as I was coming home from work at 5:30,

Monday, November 21, 2005

Board Meeting

All present...not kyle...but he never is anyway...ok proceed...
Issue to be discussed; a certain member's blog which he ( kenny) has refrained from creating.
Excuse: He claims he has not finished it yet...and its unfinished state it would cause horror and disgust in the blogging world.
Responder: There are many blogs that lack perfect organization, yet are entertaining to all those who read them.
Objection: There are too many blogs already.
Answerer: Then don't read the ones you don't want to read, there are some who are complete losers and like to read blogs...all the me.
Ok guys i am a complete dork...but i don't care...kenny get your blog up and running...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Acronyms now replace English words, people everywhere use them

Here is an article I found in the MSU newspaper (when I was eating supper in the cafeteria). It is writen by a John Gunnells. I found it very entertaining, and since I am not apt to click on links, I thought you mgiht not be either and would like it all here in front of you.

With gasoline prices soaring to all-time highs, serious influential writers might be apt to dissuade consumers from dependency on foreign oil. But, let's be honest, I'm hardly serious, let alone influential — therefore I would like to discuss a topic slightly more important to me.

American computer users are too dependent on the phrase "lol."

Now before you flip to the crossword page, just hear me out.

How many times have you been in a conversation with a friend, family member or death row inmate, only to be fed incoherent responses of "lol," "nvm" or "I've just been stabbed?"

First of all, when did "lol" become a socially acceptable response for 90 percent of all statements?

Second of all, if I say something like, "I'm watching the Miracle Blade infomercial for the umpteenth time," are you really laughing out loud? Because I am beginning to question your sincerity.

Think about all the people using instant messaging systems around the globe. Now think of how many times those people have typed "lol" when in actuality they aren't lol-ing at all.

Madness. Utter madness.

More recently, savvy Internet jargon-nauts have replaced typical "lol" (laughing out loud) acronyms for "rotflmao" (rolling on the floor laughing my arse off). But, frankly, I don't care if someone is rolling in oncoming traffic laughing, I don't want to be patronized by some plebeian, Third World acronym.

Besides, it's universally known that acronyms are only suitable in three situations.

Fraternities, drugs and, of course, sexually transmitted diseases. Technically speaking, since all three go hand in hand, we could count them as one.

Speaking of fraternities, is it legal for me to say that without my collar popped?

Moving on.

Having covered all bases with the overusage of "lol," we can go to the next culprit, otherwise known as "j/k," or just kidding.

The only real beef I have against the whole "j/k" abbreviation is that it just doesn't fly in everyday conversation.

Imagine if one of your buddies said, "Hey just slash kidding" — you would probably be inclined to knee him in his man region.

The next instant-messaging-related beef I have is related to those smiley faces.

Sure they're cute, but so are deer and people shoot them all the time.

The deer, like the smilies, are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The other day I saw something in an away message along the lines of "at a funeral, (frowny face)."

Where does someone get off combining the somber mood of a funeral with a yellow- animated-circle-face thing.

Seriously! If that is not the worst Internet etiquette in the history of ever, I don't know what is.

And to think, that poor person went through all of the trouble of dying only to be remembered by a frown-faced emoticon. Not cool.

Now that we've gone through describing proper Internet protocol, you may be asking yourself who is the typical lol'er.

Well that's simple. In fact, you might be a lol'er yourself and not even know it.

Your typical lol'er is a regular person just like you and me. He's the person who asks all the questions in your IAH recitation, making everyone else look bad. He's the sloppy alcoholic who roams Bogue Street slapping people and declaring that he is Rick James. He's the guy who threw up all over your toothbrush last weekend at your house party and neglected to tell you.

It's not just guys, it's girls too. Your typical female lol'er is that girl who dawdles down the sidewalk with her friend, taking up the whole sidewalk so you're late to your CJ 110 class. She's the girl who gets hammered night in and night out, but still has a better grade-point average than you — by a lot.

So, stop with the overuse of Internet abbreviations and inappropriate use of smiley faces. Because before it's too late, you may turn into that guy or that girl — and we don't want that.

And, while you're at it, cut up those plastic rings that hold pop cans together, too. Because someone told me fish get caught in them, and we don't want that either. That's about as unnecessary as this editorial.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Ok, it is only snowing, but will be gone tomorrow, but whatever. The raining and snowing had me stay indoors while working, by putting up ceiling tile on the Baptist Church. Ok, since I am now talking about religion, my coworker gave me his Bible, the King James version. That's it folks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Today, as I was leaving the OC after philosophy, there was a wiry man, probably about 65 years old, getting cappuchino from the machine. As a dwadled down the hall, I watched him try to decide what kind to get, then he pushed the buttom with a slight grin. Eagerly, he bent over and captured his precious cup of cappuchino from the machine. He looked so content, it just made my day. Sorry...random. Anybody else ever experience random blurts of happiness at common, everyday occurances? Tell me about them...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

LCC stinks!! I got my letter today about the appeal and they said that I can't audit judo. That's rediculous. I'm going to have 4.0's in all my classes and then judo is going to bring it down. Ugh, idiots.

Originally uploaded by KrustacianKen.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Hey Everybody,

It's been a while since I've seen you guys and it's about time that I posted again. Sorry it was not sooner, but I've been very busy.

First I'll start with school. After the hurricane most of my teachers decided not to reduce our reading, but just to reorder it. So basicly I have to catch up on all of the reading that I did not do when I was at home. So, I have a ton of reading to do. I also did not do as well as I was hoping on my midterms. On my history midterm I got a C+, Ouch! I still don't know how I did on my Latin midterm, but I'm sure I did not do too well. But, I did get a 98 on my math midterm, so I guess that it's not all bad.

Secondly, I'm the chief of set construction for the drama department's play this semester, The Mousetrap. On Saturday we built the frames for about half of the set. And, yesterday we covered the frames with cloth and put on a coat of primer. We still have a lot of work to do on the sets though and so I'll be quite busy with that in the comming week and a half.

Now I have to get to class, so I'll post more later today if I get time.

'Till Later,


I am bored...

and was late, as Rachael, Marnee, and Sarah saw. Where was Kenny?

I am sorry to say this but I wasn't late. My teacher arrived like 20 seconds before I got in the classroom, so she didn't mark me as absent on Angel in time. This is by far the closest I ever had to being late.

Now, I am in the computer lab, because I decided to not go to the second part of World Civs. I want to schedule for classes but I hear it actually takes a looooong time to actually get into it. So I missed class for no reason.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Well since Jennifer is being a jerk and not talking to me online and because I had to listen to the most awful music at church today....we are not going to the awful church at central.
And another thing, I find it interesting that we made this blog so that all the people who live far away could keep in contact with the rest of us. Yeah I know you are busy...I you can tell I am bored right now...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Paris @ Night

Sarah, lets go to Paris!

Anyone else who wants to come can too I guess haha. Sarah probably hates the French too much to come as it is.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well, when are we are going to talk about schedules for next semester? What days are we going to be going to LCC? I say Tuesday/Thursdays again. And let's try to have classes from 8 until 4, or not too much later than that.

It isn't cold out.

I guess I could live in Alaska since you guys think I am insane because I wear shorts when it is cold out. And the picture looks cool (pun not intended).

Beacon Hill

Ok, even though its in a city, i really wouldn't mind living in this neighborhood. This is where my brother lives so i've been there before. Its not too far from downtown, and food stores. Also, its within a few blocks of a Catholic church. Its a pretty quiet neighborhood. Being on beacon hill, my brother has an awesome view of downtown seattle at night.


I just decided that I'm skipping writing today. I haven't missed a class yet and the class stinks. It's always really boring and pointless and I have other things to do. I have to type up that stupid appeal to go before a committee, sociology extra credit that I didn't feel like doing yesterday and there was something else that I don't remember. Anyway, I think college has made me more lazy. I never feel like going to class. Ooo maybe I'll go to the car to get my camera so I can upload my picts and it won't take as long as at home. Sweet!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Toulouse, in the South of France

Any place that has a record store in a building like that is the place for me. I want to live in a place that is old and modern at the same time. It should have culture and still seem primitive. A beautiful city with beautiful land as a back drop. Toulouse. (like the midget)

This is my future window

The Dow's Montreal
Originally uploaded by Karl Harrison.

I Will Live Here

Sea of grass
Originally uploaded by Ray Byrne.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Grands

Originally uploaded by mitchh.
Yeah, I could pretty much live here with the Grand Tetons outside my window. When my family went here, we camped in the church parking lot right next to the lake because there wasn't anywhere to camp inside the national park and it was nighttime. In the morning, we went down to the lake to get water to boil and use. Ahhh...I can almost feel the peacefulness.

The View from My Future Windows

Here are some pictures of places I want to live.
If you don't think misty lakes and waterfalls are your ideal backyard, post some pictures of what are. And be honest; it will be interesting to see what you are thinking of.

someone should post something new.....

Friday, October 28, 2005

Uncle Johns

Hey everyone(everyone's invited)! We're going to Uncle John's tomorrow at 6:00 pm. Meet at my house. No if, buts, whys or anything else! I want a caramel apple, so we're going. Oh, and we can play risk, euchre or whatever afterwards either here or at the Ark.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


1. Loss of honor, respect, or reputation.

Contest #9!!!

Birthdays won:
Kenric: 4
Jennifer: 3 3/4
Sarah: 2
Adam: 1/4

What am I thinking right now?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Update From Florida

Hi guys,

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post earlier like I said I would, but I had a lot of studying for midterms.

My last few weeks have been very tiring. I've been studying an awful lot lately, so if my writing is a little off don't hold it against me. I just took two midterms today and I think I did well. I think I aced my math test, and I think i did alright on my histrory test.

as for my academic standings as of just before my midterms they are: A- in Math, A- in Latin, C in Lit, and around a C in History. As you can see I need to get a few of my scores up, but these numbers are only a small percentige of my grades.

Now for the bigest thing on my mind. as you guys may or may not know a Catergory 5 hurricane called Wilma is schedueled to hit Naples on Sunday. it is the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic. It is currently over the Yukatan peninsula in Mexico. I will probably be coming home over the weekend to avoid this hurricane, but I'm not entirely sure. Keep me in your prayers, as I'm a little nervious about all this. And if my luck holds I'll see you guys in a few days.

Thats about it for me.

See ya soon (maybe)

John W.

Contest #8!!!

Updated from Contest #8:

Birthdays won:
Kenric: 4
Jennifer: 3 3/4
Sarah: 2
Adam: 1/4


Fill in the blank

Land of Uz.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Joke Time!!!

Since two people have already LOVED my two jokes I will tell me all you fortunate people.

1. What is a Chadwick?

2. What did one Chadwick say to the other?

I am sorry, but I didn't post the answers. Maybe you can guess them or something.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Eucharistic Congress

So Friday and Saturday we were at the Eucharistic Congress put on by the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. You can visit the official website of the Eucharistic Congress by clicking here. Your first question is probably, what the heck is a Eucharistic Congress??? Well, the best I can say is that it's a big event that is centered entirely on the Eucharist. I have never been to one before, so I will just tell you the absolutely awesome things that happened over these two days. First, Friday night we had a Eucharistic procession from the state capital in St. Paul to the cathedral. It's only about a half mile, so it's not like it was incredibly far. Anyway, St. Paul Seminary (the major seminary that is also on the campus of St. Thomas University) and the one, the only St. John Vianney Seminary. I can't say enough about how cool Eucharistic processions are!

"Do not be afraid to go out on the streets and into public places, like the first Apostles who preached Christ and the Good News of salvation in the squares of cities, towns and villages. This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel (cf. Rom 1:16). It is the time to preach it from the rooftops (cf. Mt 10:27). Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine modes of living, in order to take up the challenge of making Christ known in the modern ``metropolis''. It is you who must ``go out into the byroads'' (Mt 22:9) and invite everyone you meet to the banquet which God has prepared for his people. The Gospel must not be kept hidden because of fear or indifference. It was never meant to be hidden away in private. It has to be put on a stand so that people may see its light and give praise to our heavenly Father (cf. Mt 5:15-16)." - JPII

That is one of my favorite quotes ever! Oh, oh cool, you guys HAVE to check out this video by the Archdiocese of New York. It uses part of this quote in it and it's about a Eucharistic procession that went all over the city of New York. Ok, I am going crazy! I have so much to tell you guys. Ahhhh, watch the video!

Ok, so this morning we had mass with several thousand people who registered for the event. It was held where the Minessota Wild (hockey) play. Us guys from Vianney were ushers for communion. Then after that we went to a different part of the arena where they had a bunch of Catholic stores, religious orders, evangelization groups, etc. with tables set up giving away or selling stuff. I bought a few book, and by a few I mean four. Swear to God by Scott Hahn, which I had him sign because he was there as well and gave a talk on the book of Revelation and the Sacrifice of the Mass and if any of you have not read The Lamb's Supper, you've got to, it's awesome. I also bought Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul, I've already read it but I wanted to have it because when you've read a really good book you really want to give it to other people to read, so hopefully somebody comes along that I can give it to. I also bought In the Presence of Our Lord by Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and Peace of Soul by Fulton Sheen. And no, I probably will not have time to read them all during the school year, but maybe I can get through one of them.

Ok, so here is the big part. Our rector, Fr. William Baer, got Jim Caviezel to speak personally to us seminarians before he addressed everyone at the congress. So yeah, I wish you guys could have heard what he had to say. The man is crazy, and so was Christ, and so IS Christ! Christ is the absolute epitamy of a social outcast. I mean, the man did everything contrary to society! So anyway, Caviezal talked to us about, to put it plainly, not being wusses! You might laugh, but it's true! There are entirely too many fluffity-puffity Priests out there who don't want to take Christ to the streets, who are not afraid of letting everyone know that the Catholic Church is the 1 true Church, and, most importantly, are blind to the spiritual battle that is only beginning in our increasingly de-Christianized world. Just today I found out that our stupid school council here at St. Thomas is allowing a "coming-out" day and it is going to take place, on this Catholic campus, this coming Tuesday. Please pray for the people on campus, especially those people who will be protesting and praying for the organizers of the event, and for those people who organized the event. It's satan, and he is stealing souls from God. Fulton Sheen says, in the very first line of Peace of Soul, "Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved..." He could not be more right. It's time we break out of our comfortable lifestyles and bring Christ to the world. Try to save a soul today! You may fail, you may never think that you've succeeded, but just think, if you succeed only once, after trying every day, you have contributed to the Kingdom of God, you have served God in pulling His creation out of Hell! Picture it this way, it could be as simple as giving money to a poor guy who's asking for some change. Just today there was a woman who we talked to on the street in St. Paul who found out we were seminarians and asked us to pray for her four sons who have drifted away from the Church. You would not believe how much joy she had when we promised to pray for them! Do you know why? Because she believes in prayer, and she believes in Hell! Yes, she believes that, through prayer, her sons can be lifted out of Hell and into Heaven. One of the most important things to remember, Caviezel said with regards to being a Priest, and it also goes for anyone who wants to be an evangelizing Catholic (which should be all of us), is to not care about what people think! If one of your friends is doing something stupid, you know, doesn't want to pray with certain people around, is afraid to give witness to Christ when asked why they are Christian, or any other of the numerous situations we face everyday, call them out! Hell is to real to waste time caring what people will think of you if you give witness to Christ.

"If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it.

Friday, October 07, 2005

This is a cool picture i found. I really has nothing to do with anything. In fact, it is the reverse of how my interview today went. I'm not going to open my wings and soar in life at this time, like a dragonfly snacking on mosquitos, because I bombed my interview. I have come up against the windshield that is interviews. It made me feel dumb, so thats how i feel right now.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

once again

yes this is a complaint, although it may develop into something else...
Today some guy in my class ( who may or may not be gay) was telling us that his dad is a homo-phobe. I really hate that term, it is not as though people are afraid of people of the same sex, just because they think it is wrong to sleep with them....
Anyway, moving on, i am loving my drawing class ( jennifer, you need to take one of these). I am learning so much stuff and my drawing skills have improved. I highly recommend them...although some of my classmates never shut up and have sick senses of humor. They are nice to me though, and not nasty like they are too each other. People like me must just stick out. Some girl in design and communication asked me and kenric if we knew each other from church...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kym..
Jennifer! I was in line paying for my food at Taco Bell today because my supper didn't fill me up. Somebody was waiting on the that looked vaguely familiar. Aha. I said, I think I used to go to school with you. What's your name? she asked. She said she remembered me- probably thinking of a few not so pretty memories from middle school. I felt bad, but really wanted to ask her if she was still afraid of peas...ah, at least I was friendly.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


ok yeah rachael isn't the only one having a weird day...ok i walk into the cafateria and here's this guy from my history class knitting with bright pink yarn...that was a shocker, he didn't look like the type...i also stood in the finan aid line for 45 minutes just to find out that i need to talk to the cashier people about my gm voucher. Then they ( the cashier people) tell me that i can't use the voucher, i have to pay for my classes first and then gm will refund me. I'm like what if i don't have any money? so yeah that was a complete inabilty to explain myself in writ 121 caused my prof to try to make me change my topic, just because he couldn't get what i was talking about. ( i really hate that class, it's like lets make everyone look like an idiot class) It sucks, my grandpa had the same problem, he wasn't good with words when he spoke, unfortunately for me i'm not smart like he was so i can't get a way with it. I feel like yelling in class at my profs just to see their reaction, although all of my profs seem to like me, except the before mentioned writ 121 prof, who i think just hates everyone.

Who spiked my coffee?

I am so weird today and I don't know why. Maybe it's the coffee that I got. (thank you tom, I have your $20 now). I've been laughing at random stupid things all day. Philosophy, I got up and left halfway through class because I was bored. In writing, I laughed at the teacher a couple of times (ok, he says steven like steeeven and handed out worksheets that were all wet on the top, is that weird?), until he got annoyed at me and made me read a page out of the book outloud to the class. After that, I wrote a story in my planner about the agony of writing 121 and got in a conversation with the guy behind me about eating chicken quesadillas in class and going on vacation overseas. In sociology, I got really clausterphobic for a little while (we have about 35 people in a little little room), and again, laughed at random things. My prof called pants trousers, and it was unusually funny to me. Hehe, I'm in the computer lab straight across from Kenric and he hasn't noticed me yet. Eventually, he's going to look up and freak out. Maybe. He's really engrossed in whatever he's doing. Well, I hope everyone is having as hilarious a day as I am.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property

I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys about this site sooner. Its a pretty neat Catholic site. If you sign up for their email service, they send you emails once in a while that let you send an email to protest various things. That have the email already filled out with the protest info. All you have to do is put in your own email address and name. Its pretty easy. Here is the link to the student site.
Also, I just read this article. Here is the link.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Crisp Air

Will our woods look like this soon? What do you think. I think this looks nice. Cold though.

Friday, September 23, 2005


North Wind
Originally uploaded by notraces.

Hey, so it's Friday night and I have some time to post about what's going on. A few of you either e-mailed me or I told you that I would call you or something but I haven't. Well, I can explain. The past 3 weeks (ending this Sunday) we've been having initiations for us new men. We were matched up with "big brothers" (older seminarians) who were supposed to look after us, keep an eye on us, and help in our formation. Speaking of formation, I hope to talk about this sometime with each of you, cause it's really cool. Here at the seminary we each have a formation director who is in charge of our Human Formation (stuff like keeping our rooms cleaning, watching our tongue, waking up on time, etc.), then we have a spiritual director who is in charge of our spiritual formation. The spiritual director works more with our "internal forum" matters, and our formation director is in charge of our "external forum" matters. It's an amazing system. So anyway, our big brother helps us with whatever human formation stuff he thinks we need to work on during these weeks. So yeah, on Tuesday night at our all-seminary dinner the rector Fr. Baer announced that we were going to have 2 days of discipleship. In other words, each of us new men would have to follow our big brother everywhere. To class, to morning/evening prayer, mass, holy hour, all that stuff. That just got over last night and I can tell you that the people in charge here know what they are doing. It was very beneficial to all of us. I mean, think about it, how often are you around people who know you. It forces you to think about each word that comes out of your mouth, and to really consider all your habits. Anyway, so that's what went on this week.

Classes are going pretty well. I have Latin, basic Philosophy, basic Theology, and English. Latin is by far the most difficult class, but I'm enjoying, Theology is growing more and more on me. I don't have the greatest teacher in terms of orthodoxy, but we're pretty much using the bible as a textbook so it's good. Oh, and there are quite of a few other freshmen in the class, and they ask a lot of questions and the teacher kind of beats around the bush instead of giving them the truth! It's frustrating, but if anyone ever approaches you with questions about the Catholic Church, religion, God, or anything partaining to, please, don't for a moment be reluctant to answer. It's very sad sometimes being on this campus and see some teachers feeding genuinely curious students with lies. I haven't really experienced it yet, but I know those professors (and, of course, some students) are out there. Now, most of the time you can't bring anything up during class because that would not be very respectful to the student. Plus, if the student asking the question is genuinely curious, they may be more likely to believe the prof, so it's a losing battle. The best thing would be to pray for them, and if you feel compelled to, talk to them outside of class. Ok, I'm not preaching, this is coming straight from the rector here at the seminary. So I'm just passing on the good truth.

Anyway, I gotta get going now, feel free to give me a call. I probably won't answer it, but I will be sure to call you back.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Hey guys,
I got another update for ya.

First, I have taken up weightlifting. I'm only benching 55, but I was told to start slow 'till I got used to it. I can squat 95, though.

Second, I've seen a few more movies. I've seen Braveheart, Lost in Translation, and Maximum Overdrive. Braveheart is a great movie, but I think most of you have seen it and know that. Lost in Translation was also a great movie, but it was pretty different. And last, and least, was Maximum Overdrive. It was a terrible movie, but it was so bad it was funny. It was based on a Stephen King book and it was directed by him. It was supposed to be a horror movie, but any suspense was killed by the AC/DC soundtrack. It was also pretty much plotless and the acing was terrible. But all of this made for a hilarious movie, even though it was supposed to be serious. If you can take a fair amount of violence and some swear words, watch it.

Finaly, I guess the only thing left to tell is my rather odd experience of this afternoon. Trystan was talking to his girlfriend like he always does. Tim was dozing on his top bunk. When Trystan got off the phone he just started yelling. Then, he lifted Tim right off of his bed and put him on the floor. Then he picked me up and, yelling, carred me down a hallway to a couch and threw me down, breaking part of the couch. All off this happend in the span of less than two minutes. Needless to say, at the end of this everyone who lives on that hall was looking out at us. It was one of the oddest experiences I've had here yet.

I guess that's all for now.

Be in tuch,

John W.


coming together
Originally uploaded by conditioned.
Guys, it's raining out and i'm soaked just from walking from OC to TLC. and sarah, my flip-flops are now sticky. gross. i wish i had an umbrella and tennis shoes.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Death of Trig

Big news guys, someone has abolished Trig.

My roommate Miguel found this article about Trigonometry. It says that some professor in Austrialia has rewriten the rules of Trig, and gotten rid of Sine, Cosine, and Tangent. Very interesting, hmm...

I would have posted the entire article, but it would have been a pretty big post. Read the article and tell me what you think.

Update From Florida

Hey guys,
It's me again. I'm posting a brief up date of my current status. This post may be in a rather random order, but hey, it's been a long week.

First off, the food is as good as ever here. I had breaded shrimp on Friday. That was pretty good. For the most part, though, I eat a lot of meat and potatoes an other generaly unhealthy food.

I have also seen three movies and one season of a TV series. The movies were: Amadeus, which was a great movie and I recomend it to all of you, Super Mario Brothers, which was a bad movie and that made it hilarious, and On the Waterfront, which was a very good movie and it stared Marlon Brando, who "Coulda been a contenda." That was only this week, last week I watched the first two Austin Powers movies. The week before that I saw Edward Scissorhands and Arsinic and Old Lace. Incedentaly, I highly recomend both of those movies. So, as I commented to Tim last night, in my first year here I will probably watch more and better movies than I did in the last year and a half.

Now, as for the rest of my life (ha, ha). I usualy get to bed somewhere between 12 and 1 o'clock, and on school days I get up around 7:30. Most other days I get up after 10. As you can probably tell I get less sleep than I should, but I'm working on that.

Moving on to the most important part of my life, schoolwoork. I'm behind in my reading for most of my classes. I finished the Iliad this week, however, so I'm thankful for that victory, anyway. I also have a paper due for the Iliad on the 30th, so as usual I'm having a hard time getting started. Oh well, I guess school is a neverending process.

Finaly, rest of my life. There is not a whole lot to report. My roommates and I still get into a lot of discussions, which is the main reason I'm behind in my homework. I also went swing dancing the Friday before last, and I plan to go again next Friday. I'm not too bad at it, and it is lots of fun. You guys need to get Marnee to teach you how. Other than that there is not a whole lot going on for me that I can think of.

Feel free to post any questions you my have for me about my life here and I will check the blog every day and try to respond to them.

Talk to you guys soon,


P.S. I was reading Catholic Exchange as I wrote this, and I came across this article that mentions Lansing. I think you guys might find this interesting. Enjoy.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Due to Popular Demand...

(Hence the title being the same as Jennifer's first blog post)

HOUSE IS BACK!!! Tomorrow is the new season premiere, and I guess what. Kenric likes it so much, yet he has to stay at LCC until 10 and he can't watch it. If you didn't catch sarcasm there, I don't know what I will do with you. Some other people can't watch it either.

this is ben

If you didn't read the intro to "john's post' do so now.

Well Sarah, I just got done responding to your e-mail. I've been on retreat since Tuesday so I haven't really been here long anyway. Things are going well though. I have a great roommate who is in to St. Therese, so that pumped me up. Also, Fr. Baer is currently teaching us new guys the art of a productive holy hour. It's awesome. He's currently working on our meditation skills which includes reading, for example, a verse in the bible, connecting it to similar verses, and gathering Christ's full teaching on, say, chastity. It's quite amazing. Let's say you are studying the beatitudes. Well, you take the first one, "blessed are the poor in spirit, for their's is the kingdom of heaven." You break down the sentence and note what stands out. For example, this beatitude must, in some way, carry a higher significance because Christ chose to mention it first. Also, Christ used the posessive, "their's", which, as you can probably gather is quite a statement when speaking about heaven. Anyway, I'm kind of rambling on so I will stop.

this is john

Since Ben and John seem unable to master the art of posting, i will do it for them:

Well, this is my second post since I got here (Florida), so I'll try to recap my current situation.

I got here safely(duh) and I've been in classes for about a week. There is a ton of reading to do for each class. For instance, I have 9 books of the Iliad to read every week, for the next three weeks or so. That translates to more than 100 pages a week. Than I have to study Latin, which is not too bad right now, but there is a decent amount of memorazation (spelling error). Than History is a lot of reading, about 50 pages or so. Than there is Math. My easiest class so far, about all of the homework we have for that class is to read a intranet(not internet, Kenric you should understand this) site our teacher made. That about covers the basics of schoolwork.

On to my social life(ha, ha, ha, I kill me!, social life). My roommates are very cool, and as I spend most of my life in my room I see them the most. Their names are, Meguiel (I hope i came close), Trystan, and Tim. Meguiel is by far the oldest of us all. He is 23 and this is his first year here. He wants to become a Theologian, and me and have had many long argumentsover a broad range of topics. Trystan is a homeschooler and is very bright. He is often involved in arguments in our room as well, though, lately he has not been isn the room very much. Mostly because he talks to his girlfriend over the internet alot. Tim rounds out our band. He is a Lit major. He tends to be quieter than the rest of us, when we get into discussions, but he still jumps in often. And we have had many discussion of our own, because we are the ones who go to sleep the earliest. As you can see we talk a lot in our room, and I'm learning a lot from all of them.

Finaly, on the rest of the college. The food here is very good. Whoever says that cafeteria food sucks has not eaten at Ave Maria. At noon and six everyone says the Angelus. Everyone in the cafeteria will stop eating, and pray. The campus is very small, maybe three blocks from one end to the other, and perhaps a block wide. Those three blocks can seem like mile when you have to walk from one side of campus to the other in the heat of the midday sun, and when the humidity makes you feel as though you are breathing sand.

Well, that is my experience at Ave Maria so far. I will try to keep up on the blog as much as posible, with my homework and the play I'm helping with. Sorry this post is so long, but that is as brief as I could be and explain things.

The World According to Jennifer

Check out my blog.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Looking for Chapel Angels

I know, that term is cliche but I think I will be using it from now on. It suits the project.

FOR EVERYONE INTERESTED IN HELPING DESIGN THE CHAPEL, we will be going to Most Holy Trinity Church this Saturday (10th) and taking the pews we want out of the basement, bringing them to my house, and deciding (a.) what we will need to do to them (i.e. strip, stain, finsh) (b.) how to design the rest of the chapel using those wood tones, and (c.) how we want the over all chapel to be designed (write up a plan). As you probably know, my dad is in charge of all the wood, so we will also be going over to his store (and I will have to arrange these details with him) to look at trim and crown samples. The reason it is important that we decide on all this in the next few days is because my dad would like to get started on this large project, and he still needs to talk to John Lehman about it. John Lehmen needs to know soon so the GM workers can get started.
Kapeesh? Okay, lets meet at the church at 11:00 Saturday morning. I just tossed out the time, partly beacuse of my dad's business hours (8-noon) so let me know if that is too early. (that is, CALL ME)
Thank you for flying with United we hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

Message Board

Ok, here is the message board post for use for messages you want to leave to people. An example would be me. I am currently in the library, and i will be here when Tom is done with class. We said we would meet in the computer lab. I had to make a new post to tell him that. I wont have to anymore. All i will have to do is comment. Tell me if this is a dumb idea and i will delete the link you see to your right.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


I just heard today from Haley that Amber is very sick. She had to go to the emergency room on Monday or something. They think she has hepatitis, and she has cramps (not the corect term, but I forgot what I actually heard) in her neck and shoulders. So I urge you guys to pray for her. Thank you.

the unpostliness of far away people...

I feel as though there is an effort in the part of all you long-gone people spread about the country, in places such as minnesota and florida, not to mention central, to forget the place that you left behind. ( a.k.a. Michigan) I put forth as evidence the lack of posting by such people as you. Although i have talked to Jennifer, the mysteries of seminary and ave maria are still um enigmas. So on behalf of all of us bored LCC people , please post before i go crazy. I have nothing to do but sit in the dimly lit and slightly funny smelling ( according to Rachael) computer lab and make stupid posts about nothing...
Speaking of nothing i think that i will make you all read g k chesterton's essay on chalk...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Car Vandelized in Lansing Today"

By: Anonymous Person, Lansing Car Crashers Journal

People that go to LCC should be aware that four unidentified persons have invaded at least one car today. These Fantastic Four members shouldn't be taken lightly. They have a lot of strength to open an unlocked car, have the speed to take fuzzy dice from the victim's rear-view mirror without being noticed, and have amazing tying skills at the steering wheel. A reporter said at the scene of the crime, "I haven't seen something this tied up since my son was learning how to tie his shoes." Well, there you have it, be aware of these evil deeds in Lansing. I have suspicions that the next day they will attack is this Thursday morning between 7:30 and 8:10. The question is, who's they?

Where are we meeting after classes?

you tell me.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I haven't really had time to post in awhile, so I guess I'm going to now. I'm at CMU waiting for Ricks meeting to end so we can go canoeing. Mmmm...I miss college, can't wait for class tomorrow. Yes, I'm pathetic. I'm really excited for Thursday to take another judo class. Ah, we went to a sweet Mexican restaurant here in Mt. Pleasant, and I saw coach Simmons and talked to him, how random. Have you guys been keeping updated on hurricane Katrina? That's awful how there are so many people in the superdome and the power went off and stuff. Well, see most of you tomorrow at 7ish. Oh and Sarah, I looked up clubs at LCC and they are all pretty lame. Looks like we'll have to start our own...maybe.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

LCC people...

ok we ( Rachael and I) decided that we are meeting at 7:15 on Tuesday. We didn't decide where though. Also, We are staying till 10pm ( or when ever my drawing class gets done) so I guess we should figure out carpooling again too.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ola From Minnesota

Hey guys, I'm in Minnesota right now. I hope to use this blog a little more than I have recently in order to stay in touch. I guess I don't really have anything substantial to write about, just kind of felt like writing.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by JenSchrauben.
Well my first day at CMU is comign to a close. I am moved in and all set up... well almost. My computer, which was working earlier, is not not connecting to the Internet becaus ei need to do a bunch of stupid stuff to register it with the CMU network or some crap. I am in the Sweeney computer lab; that is my residence hall... Sweeney. My hall doesnt look like the one in that pic, that's one of "The Towers" across the street. My roomates seem nice. Ashley is Cahtolic and wants to go to church on Sunday, she asked me to go with her. I'm bored... i wonder if the library is open... i probably shouldnt go out walking this late... i want to read... i think i'll look for something to read and listen to my Rufus :P

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI
Originally uploaded by RTSS.

I feel like posting

I started LCC today ( duh) and I don't know if I like it or not. I think that I will like the classes, but I won't meet that many new people. Ok this is pointless, I already complained to Rachael about stuff and the rest of you know about LCC. Mmmmmmm, I have 4 hours to kill and I need to find something to do. Kenric, did you like that arts 102 class? I think that I will. Art history will be hard I think, so will WRIT 121, but for some reason I want to be challenged in that class so I don't mind. Yeah I think that we will have to start some catholic groups on campus. We talked to Jill Thelen today and she seemed pretty excited....this is retared, I'm telling you stuff you already know...
Man Ben and John and Jennifer are gone ( well Ben isn't gone yet, but he will be), our group is so small. We need to meet more good people...This is weird I am talking about nothing and I keep saying it. Man, I am glad classes started though, I think my brain was getting bored and tired I have way too much energy right now. I feel like writing and writing even though I hate it. Maybe I should try to make this the longest, most pointless post ever. Mmmmm that's an idea.
We should talk more about car pooling, are you people going to wait for me on tuesday when I have classes till 10pm? I feel like there are more people in our group going to LCC that I have just forgotten about. Ok I'm going to shut up now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i havn't posted in a while

Well, Rachael and I are back from the UP and have officially been yooperized i guess. I got a pastie, and ate it, and it was good. I went to the town of Paradise, which it really isn't. I got to go to the Wild Blueberry festival there, and also to a karaoke (apparently, people like country music there a lot) with a crazy old guy, and also to see Tahquanemon falls, which were awesome. There really isn't much in the UP except wilderness. It is not very inhabited and I sort of got the feeling of what going to Alaska might be like. Desolation. Its really beautiful up there, though. We also went to Munising, which was a really nice town and to Fayette.

Monday, August 22, 2005

School and Car Pooling

We haven't discussed this in a full group yet. We need to know exactly what days we will be car pooling. And where should we meet? I am thinking at the Ark's back parking lot. Any disagree with it?

I am driving myself on Mondays. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I can car pool with people that have classes at 8:00 am until 4:00 or so. If people have classes until 6, I might be able to stay, I could do homework during it.

This is the post of mine that you LCC people need to comment on.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Pope Tape Found

Last night I went to visit Anthony at the rectory and we watched Bourne Identity. But that wasn't the point. After it, Father Tim got back from his cruise trip, and he said that someone got a hold of a tape talking about Popes being hypricrits and stuff and said it was anti-Catholic and she gave it to him. We (Father Tim, Anthony, Mathias, Andrew and myself) watched it for like 5 minutes and we were already sick of it. The guy in there kept repeating himself and I guess it was meant for brainwashing people. And Father today at the conclusion of the Mass, warned everyone to ditch this tape, if they find another one, which seems innocent (it actually says "A must-see for Catholics, Pray the Rosary." Stuff like that. Anyway, yeah.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

a picture from wyd

Originally uploaded by Daily Pia.
well since ben and marnee didn't post any pictures yet, i went to flickr and found this, along with a bunch ( ok around 30 other pictures) they are awesome, check them out.

From World Youth Day

I do not have much time, and this German keyboard is annoying, but I though I would let you guys in on a few things that have been happening.

We made our first trip to the great cathedral yesterday and prayed by the Magi. It was awesome. I wish I could post some pictures butI cannot, I will have to show you guys some when I get back. About 2 hours ago we missed our 2nd opportunity at meeting a cardinal. Cardinal Maida from Detriot was supposed to talk to us in Cologne tonight, but he ended up not being able to make it. And yesterday we were supposed to meet Cardinal Schonborn of Austria, but he did not show up either. Anyway, we have had our frustrations, but we are doing fine (as long as the Pope does not cancel).

We are coming back on Tuesday in the evening. And just so everyone knows, I leave Saturday, the 27th for school. I would like to talk to you guys and show you some pictures before I leave. Anyway, I gotta go. See you soon.

Long Live the Pope!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Random (Stuff that has nothing to do with dreams) Post

They are fun, you have to agree. But some just are weird, or just cruel.

I made a post about dreams because, I don't know how long ago it was, but I had these dreams about that I had to cut a piece of lumber to a certain length (I think I told some of you already) and then I got up from my sleep. I would always wake up at 3 or so every morning. And lately, I have had the same sort of dream about work, but I think I had to work on a truss. Dreams definetly have their signifnance because for the first few weeks, I was told what to cut, and now that I had my near-death experience with falling of a truss, that may be why I have this new dream.

I told of my recent dreams, now you people have to tell of your dreams you occassionally have. And what signifnance you think they have.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Compilation CD

Originally uploaded by JenSchrauben.
I want to make a CD for when I go to school that I can listen to that will remind me of you guys. So, give me a couple songs that I can put on there that you like. That way when I listen to the song I will think of you. Don't worry, the song doesnt have to represnt you as a person... or anything like that, if you don't want it to. This is just for fun and shouldnt make too much sense. Let's see... what would I put on there for myself... "Idler's Dream" -- Oasis & "Agnus Dei" -- Rufus style ;) (I love how much you hate it)
BTW -- I am trying to learn Ave Maria in German... its not as ugly when German is sung... :P

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Summer Blues?

What is wrong, people? Like me, no one is posting. Are we bummed that our summer is more than 2/3 done, and (sorry) school is about to begin? I still have to get ready for LCC. I have to get books yet, get school supplies and crap (sorry Kenric) like that.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Secret Meetings

I just heard about this in the news from my twin:

"I am Bob Simon for Conspiracy Scene Investigation: The Ark (CSI: The Ark), and there have been word of these 'secret meetings' at The Ark about something, that could be the plans of the transformation of The Ark's turning into a nightclub. Not much have been known about these meetings, but Marnee (Marnzipan to most) Wohlfert has a hunch that Luis, her future husband, might be behind it. More information might be extracted from these searches as time goes on. The future of The Ark is at stake, so we need to find these evil plans before the rebels use it against us. This has been Bob Simon on local news, now onto the weather with Rob Dale."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Bad Day

Well, I had a bad day, the first time in a while. At work, I just didn't want to work, I guess, and just tons more crap, like not getting the recommended amount of sleep.

The Shroud in the Crowd

I wonder if this is a doctored image?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Catholic blogs

These are the blogs that won the 2005 catholic blog awards. I have no idea who decides these things, anyway some of them are pretty interesting. You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page for the links.

this is a blog that I found later. The Catholic Nerd Blog.
it's funny, read it.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

hi, i'm bored...

i can't get msn to work ( well i can but i don't feel like messing with the popup blocker) and i can't get gmail to work either. Hey!!! some of you are computer nerds i ask you...
ok this is probably a dumb question with an easy solution but here goes;
ok i type in the gmail address and it goes to the login page, i log in, it acts like it is loading but it never does. it just says "done" like all the stuff should be showing on the page but the page is blank. what gives? i don't get it. it works fine at home with gmail, but with other sites at home the browser will do the same thing, say everything has loaded but the page is blank.
I feel like i have just asked a very stupid question, so don't beat me up too bad, ok...

P.S. i'm coming home monday, not sunday like i said before.

P.P.S. joel, mom wants to know if you have enough food to eat, do you?

Michigan's Adventure

I am thinking we should go on a Monday, like the 18th. We can't go on Wednesday through Sunday, because then Rachael and Marnzipan can't go because they would be working. In other words, that Monday would work the best for them. And how about the rest of us? Ben, me, Kenric, and John would have to get off work for that day, and Kyle has to get off work too. And I guess Jarud would too, since he came the last two times. We can't go on the 24-27, because we are camping, but Ben said something, we could go to MiA before we go to Ludington, but I didn't like that idea. So should we go on the 18th, a Monday?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dog, you are under arrest for...

Not wearing a seatbelt?

Maybe this is the updated story of the dog that is in jail on Downesfert's blog. Yeah, because of a kid's idea, dogs might have to wear seatbelts in Pennsylvania.

This is the link:

And we were just talking about stupid laws the other day. This may be the next one.

And by the way, I heard about this originally at work listening to the radio.


hey how's it going?
well i went swimming in lake superior today and it was freezing. We jumped off of the breakers and into the water. Anyway it was fun and i am kidnapping all of you and bring you up here.
in other news, my grandma suprisingly loved my hair color and even said that it matched my skin tone, mom still doesn't like it.
Well as far as the weather goes, it has been around 70 to 80 everyday, except yesterday when it was 60. Marnee said you guys have had weather in the 90s or so....yeah i'm rambling, get over it. Mmmmmmmmmmm oh yeah i saw war of the worlds and it was pretty good, daniel and my cousin eric didn't like it all that much because they didn't understand half of it. i had to explain the ending to them....ok i'm going to shut up now. this has got to be a record in the pointless post area...
p.s. i really miss playing the piano, (just thought i'd throw that in there)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Someone post so I have something to read!! (if only you could hear me whine) No one is home and I don't have much to do, so I watched Average Joe for the 1st time ever. What a cruel show.
Tomorrow, everyone is invited to prayer group after 7:00 mass in the town that I live in. Bring your liturgy of the hours book if you have one. :D

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Word on the street says surprise going away party for Luis @ Toms house this Saturday night at 8 complete with F-10 style volleyball and marshmallows?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mr Mowry

Mr Mowry
Originally uploaded by JenSchrauben.
Mr Mowry sent me a bunch of pictures. He told me that its been getting up to 120 degrees some days. He got to see Star Wars, so that was pretty cool. He sent a picture of the line, it was long. He shaved his head, I have some pictures of that too. I told him about Tyler's site.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by mfichtner.
Wow! I made spinach pizza today and it was super!! (mmm...healthy) But, Jennifer, it couldn't even compare with D.C.'s spinach pizza. Rest assured knowing it was oozing with pizza sauce though. See...I've been home by myself a ton lately, so I have to do the cooking. It's pretty fun if I have the time and it's much better than convenience food. On another note, I got home tonight and found that I left the back and front door unlocked, so that frightens me, but dad gave me a crash course on 22 usage before he left. (seriously. i'm good to go!) Unfortunately, that's about all I have to say.

The Evil Works of sarah and Marnee...

Walmart Heir Dead in Plane Crash

That is funny how sarah and Marnee said they are boycotting Walmart. This is a little bit too much don't you think?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Fourth of July

We need to watch the fireworks that night in St. Johns, if they have them of course. If you are interested say it or if you have a better idea share that as well.

I heard this on the radio at work today. The first firework was made in China on accident, by someone mixing whatever is in fireworks. Well, I guess everything still is made in China.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Since there hasn't ben any updates to the blog recently, I will add something.

This may sound my being dumb or I just don't go to banks much but I found out something. I was depositing my checks that I got from my graduation and I was looking around and I saw a measuring thing at the doorway. And it does make sense. Anyway, I haven't seen that before and and my brother said they had that there before but it wasn't as visible. That 's all for my learning today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Campfire on Flickr

Originally uploaded by snowrider30.

I decided to search for "campfire" on Flickr, and this was on the 1st page. It's pretty cool.

Monday, June 20, 2005

My Work Thus Far...

This is my long and serious post, Sarah.

But can anything be serious about work? I mean, why would anyone write about what happens at work, something that I dread? But this is an exception.

Before I get into depth, I would like to clarify something with Jennifer. Jennifer, that person who was singing while working at your house is my uncle. But there is another person who told me that he sang once while working on your house. He said he started singing to a song that he thought was actually a CD or something but really it was you.

Ok, anyway. Two of my co-workers are Christians, not saying that the others aren't, but they always discuss Bible verses and their Bible studies. I was actually suprised that they talk about that stuff at work. But yeah, one of them, I will just call him by his real name, Casey, is always quoting the Bible. Whenever someone would question Casey, he would back his opinions through the Bible. And he also doesn't drink, which I think is pretty cool because he is of legal age, but still doesn't. I haven't asked if him what he is, but I don't think he is Catholic. I think he is Protestant, because they are good at the Bible, right?

Just feel free to talk about this stuff and any questions or whatever. If you have any thoughts, go ahead and tell them.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Let's Decorate Horses For Craig

Important Comment Regarding Gift for Craig!
Please Read.

a float in the celebration
Originally uploaded by astilly.

There will be a mass held for Craig Wednesday, June 29th at 6:30 pm. at St. Mary's Church. Following will be a party at the Ark.

It is my suggestion that we go in on a gift for him, so I will officially open up discussion in the comments section.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Meeting This Thursday

The meeting begins at 6, but we will be meeting at 5 to discuss the Chapel. Sarah, Jennifer, and I have come up with a basic layout for the Chapel, and we want to make sure that everyone is on the same page so that we give the adults who are present a very clear idea.

There is one thing that some of you could help with. If you have any favorite icons that you thing would be apropriate in the chapel, please print them off along with their description and bring them at 5.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

new contest

Birthdays won:
Kenric: 4
Jennifer: 1 3/4
Adam: 1/4

Ok here is the new contest that I felt like making. Kenric and Ben were too lazy to make another one....hehe
Here goes:
Alison lost the place she sought. She krauss over and over again. Over Appalachian mountains. On a journey without end.

Wow that is even more stupid than I thought it would be....what do you expect out of one minute of thought.
Anyway, take one word from each sentence and search for all four together. Try to find the name of the song I am thinking of. You might have to ( gasp!) read some stuff before you find it.
P.S. the meaning of the sentences have no meaning or relation to the song.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Birthday's Won (the following are birthday cakes, alright?)
Kenric: 4
,,,,  ,,,,  ,,,,  ,,,,
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Jennifer: 1

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ANSWER ! ! !: Yeah, 1990 and 1989 are the number of bills, so of course 1990 American dollar bills are worth more than 1989 American dollar bills.
Ok, anyway. Here it is. Like before, no hints, no multiple guesses. Hopefully it is harder this time.

QUESTION! ! !: Tom, the notorious German drug dealer, was managing to smuggle a fortune out of Germany and make large deposits in his Swiss bank account. The attempts by the authorities to catch him proved futile. Twelve times each year, Tom drove out of Germany in his new Mercedes, wearing designer clothes and expensive jewelry. Each time, customs would search him and his car. All they ever found were a few stamped business letters, several changes of clothes, banking books and toiletries. When Tom returned several days later he drove the same car and wore the same clothes and jewelry. How was he managing to smuggle out his ill-gotten wealth?


You're given a week off from whatever you have to do to go camping. You are given unlimited camping supplies (but you have to give them back when you're done) and you can go wherever you want. Where would you go, (or would you) and what would you take with you. Basically, what's your ideal camping scenario?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Little Help From My Friends

Over at my blog, I just made a post asking for some help. I figure that posting it on this blog may be a little more convenient for all of you who live here (Tom). So here's part of the post, if you care to read the rest, click here. Thanks.

So here's the deal: With the transition from to a new youth minister that will be happening in our parish at the beginning of July, as well as the opening of our youth center's east wing (you can see some pictures here), I proposed an implementation of a regular prayer plan for some the parish's dedicated adults that would be focused solely on the youth of the parish and the youth program.

I am asking for a little help from whoever is willing to give. If you know of a good layout for such a schedule (I was considering one prayer a day, for an entire month - with a new prayer each month - each month would focus on a different part of the youth program), please drop me a comment. Also, I would very much appreciate any suggestions for prayers that should be used, but I would prefer that they be written by a saint or some other religious.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Why do I think that we should be able to post music? Around three times a day I hear a song and think. Man, they ( as in you people) should hear this, wait! I'll blog it, wait! I can't.....dang. It's like that weird thing were you forget you don't have to do something anymore, like go to work, yet you still think you have to every once in a while, before you remember you don't have to. So yeah I want you to hear my great crazy Irish music, and you can't.....rats.........................

lift 2 3s

Originally uploaded by ColleenBean.
only marnee can understand the enormous and complete sense of awe i have right now.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Doll Attack!

Originally uploaded by hillarybird.
Rachael, does this look familiar?!?! this is a creepy little doll.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I'm not trying to start a fight or anything. I'm just curious, What do you guys think is better Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Which Star Wars Character are you?

Since we already did LOTR, let's do Star Wars.

I found this.

I am a Jedi I have never even heard of: Kyle Katarn

My thoughts is this is a bad quiz because I am not Yoda they say.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Which LOTR character are you?

So who are you? I'm Eowyn.
Click here to find out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Make a Fight With GoogleFight

Click Here

Fight Results:

Tom vs. Kenric
188,000,000 to 15,200

Sarah vs. Jennifer
53,000,000 to 51,700,000

Eat More

mmmmmmmmm starbucks
Originally uploaded by stephiblu.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Birthday's Won
Kenric: 4
Rest of Members: 0

I said that I would take over this temporarily (I think) for Ben, so here it is. Let me know if it is too easy or too hard. No hints, no multiple guesses.

Why is it that 1990 American dollar bills are
worth more than 1989 American dollar bills?

Monday, May 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by buffalo305.
Have any of you ever had morel mushrooms? They are pretty much one of the greatest tasting things ever, if cooked right. My family goes mushroom hunting (no, we refuse to disclose the locations). My dad and me found quite a few the other day. My mouth is literally watering thinking about them.

Neil & Amber are Getting Married!

Originally uploaded by Momom Liu.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Birthday's Won - Updated
Kenric: 4
Rest of Memebrs: 0

This one takes a bit more searching, because it has more than one part. It's a tough one, but I'm sure somebody is up for the challenge.

Where is the Karla Crater, what is its diameter in km, and how old is it?

No hints on this one.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Birthday's Won - Updated
Kenric: 3
Rest of Mmbers: 0

Well, Kenric wins again. I should have a new quiz question, maybe one that's a little tougher, tomorrow.

This is a tough one, and you are not allowed to guess an infinite amount of times. Again, you are playing for a free birthday. Here's the question:

What's a Tim Conway?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Birthdays Won
Kenric: 2
Rest of Members: 0

I would like to inform my fellow bloggers that this is in fact a simple sentence. Kenric wins 2 birthdays because I was wrong as well. The element was supposed to read: When Santa could not fit through the chimney...or some other sort of clause. The answer was supposed to be Santa Clause.

If you can answer this riddle, you win a free birthday!

What Sentence Structure Element Is The Phrase Below?

Santa could not fit through the chimney...

Please place your answers in the comments area

Monday, May 09, 2005

E-mail Jesus?

I didn't know that He had e-mail, but the site says that He always answers...interesting. It worries me what He might e-mail back.

True Hillbilly Moment

Originally uploaded by CaptPiper.
Today I was outside in the wonderful warm summer air dumping the garbage when I saw that we had some asparagus growing already in the garden. (yesss!) I came back outside with a bowl and picked some. I was thinking how nice out it was, not to mention, I was picking asparagus! Then...I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to have a huge asparagus farm and spend my time in the wonderful warm weather, eating asparagus all the time. Then, I realized that that was a really weird thought and went inside. I seriously don't know what goes on in my mind sometimes. (I'm eating delicious steamed asparagus as I type this.)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

crazy us...

Originally uploaded by JoJo!.
We are all sitting in a boat, a circular boat. Someone just drank the last of our water. we all sit with wide eyes and foaming mouths tense and high strung. like wild animals, one sudden move will let all break lose. Why do I feel that this is true as of now. In a non-literal sense, but yet true?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Originally uploaded by Nadar.
I want one. What is your crazy dream? I want to be an artist, have a huge house, and either live on a huge ranch with horses or live in the inner city and do foster care work with inner city kids. Not likely to happen.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Jihad against Ken Farley

Forget about a Jihad against "Pope Benedict XVI," Ken is annoying. Just ask Jennifer and Rachael. Today was the worst day I had in a long time with Ken bugging me. Why do some people like Ken, have all the words that come from their mouths be negative?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The true identity of blackwig unmasked.

easter rabbit
Originally uploaded by KrustacianKen.
The easter rabbit, obviously.

Dead rose

Dead rose
Originally uploaded by Nomine UK.
Yeah, so there, it's dead. ( It doesn't smell sweet)

That's you blackwig....

What's In A Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet."

The saga of one named "blackwig" continues.

Ok who can't change the settings on the blog? If you can't change them, comment here


Originally uploaded by Invisiblemonsters.
I think there was a typo. It's not blackwig, it's earwig!!


Congratulations, I now have control of your blog. Do you like the colors?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Glucose + Ascorbic Acid

Who decided to color the site psychadelic?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Hokey Pokey
Originally uploaded by kongbong.
No comment