Thursday, May 12, 2005


Birthday's Won - Updated
Kenric: 3
Rest of Mmbers: 0

Well, Kenric wins again. I should have a new quiz question, maybe one that's a little tougher, tomorrow.

This is a tough one, and you are not allowed to guess an infinite amount of times. Again, you are playing for a free birthday. Here's the question:

What's a Tim Conway?


Jenn said...

... u r? or... an old comedian who isnt actaully funny n e more.

Unknown said...

Nope. But here's a hint, say it to yourself.

Adam said...
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Rachael said...

What's it to him anyway?

Unknown said...

Only blog members may participate in these contests.

krustacianken said...

Oh, about 120 pounds.

krustacianken said...

Rachael's last comment was a guess, not an insult, because Ben said
"say it to yourself" and it sort of sounds like, "What's it to him anyway?". Have you ever played Mad Libs? That's probably what she thought.

Unknown said...

Kenric you are right in terms of your answer, but you are wrong in assuming that is what I meant. I knew what Rachael was talking about, but Adam has an unfair advantage when it comes to my trivia questions.