Monday, May 09, 2005

True Hillbilly Moment

Originally uploaded by CaptPiper.
Today I was outside in the wonderful warm summer air dumping the garbage when I saw that we had some asparagus growing already in the garden. (yesss!) I came back outside with a bowl and picked some. I was thinking how nice out it was, not to mention, I was picking asparagus! Then...I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to have a huge asparagus farm and spend my time in the wonderful warm weather, eating asparagus all the time. Then, I realized that that was a really weird thought and went inside. I seriously don't know what goes on in my mind sometimes. (I'm eating delicious steamed asparagus as I type this.)


Sarah said...

awesome! I love asparagus.

Adam said...

asparagus is good but you need to cut it up other wise it will be too slimy and stringy

krustacianken said...

Asparagus is ok, as long as it is still tender and not stringy. I like it with some butter and lots of pepper on it.