Monday, May 02, 2005

Jihad against Ken Farley

Forget about a Jihad against "Pope Benedict XVI," Ken is annoying. Just ask Jennifer and Rachael. Today was the worst day I had in a long time with Ken bugging me. Why do some people like Ken, have all the words that come from their mouths be negative?


krustacianken said...

Tom, I heard you were beyond mad. I heard that you were "pissed".

Tom said...

Well, to start off the jihad, I won't let Ken borrow my pen to take his test tomorrow morning.

Sarah said...

Hey it's that really annoying guy, and I even know who you are talking about. He has an ugly car/jeep/truck thing. You can tell him someone said that his vehicle is the grossest thing ever.

Tom said...

Yes. Three people in the jihad. We are the three musketters (spelling is bad, it looks like it anyway).

I will tell him that, Sarah. I just need the correct time to say it.

That gave me a good idea. I do see his car/jeep/truck crap thing at his girlfriend's (yes, suprisingly, he has a girlfriend) house. We could put a note on it, like you and Marnee did to Kenric. It would have to be dark out though so we wouldn't be caught.

Jenn said...

hhmm.. yeah ken is a pain. at least school will be over soon. people are so anoying. tom... remind me, what religion in the religeous war in the name of?

Rachael said...


Tom said...

Yes, Rachael is correct.

However, I wasn't the first one to mention Jihad. People like Ben mentioned a jihad against the "pope's" website. I just decided to do one here too.

Tom said...

Should I even answer that? Isn't Chris Farley actually funny? If he is, no they aren't related.

Sarah said...

Well Chris Farley died of a drug overdose, yet he was fairly funny. Not my type of humor, though.
Who was the person who kept posting as the pope?

Tom said...

Sarah, the actually person who acted as the pope and his website or the person who acted as the person who acted as the pope?

Sarah said...

The person that acted as the person who acted as the pope.

Anonymous said...

I think you can tell when it is legitimate if the person has the picture from their profile next to their comment. Here, let me test it.

krustacianken said...

Nope, no pic from ben's profile.

Jenn said...

hey, btw, when i asked what religious this jihad was in the name of i wasnt asking what religious has jihads. i m saying that a jihad is a holy war and since Tom is the one waging this war on ken and neither of them are a religon i m curious what religion tom is fighting for in the jihad against ken. and yeah, what was with kenrics comment b4, i noticed it too... if they have a pic they r legit? u mean a legit fake?

krustacianken said...

They are only legit if they have the pic from their profile. If their profile doesn't have a picture, then you can't tell.

Jenn said...

that doesnt make n e sense. i could put a pic of you on a profile and say that i was you. would u say that i was legitimately u?

Anonymous said...

No, all I'm saying is that, if I were to pretend to be Ben, like I am now, you can tell that it is in fact not Ben who is commenting, even though the name and link is correct because Ben's profile pic is not next to my fake comment. Get it? Notice on this postthat next to the "pope" guy's comment, there is his profile pic. The problem is that blogger doesn't always put the picture next to the peoples comments like this, though.