Thursday, December 29, 2005

Us the Movie

Matt brought up an interesting concept, who would play us in a movie? I have some suggestions, but I would really love to know what u think.

Bruce Campbell as John
This Michigander began acting professionally as the King in a production of "The King and I" at age 14. He attended Western Michigan University for about 6 months before leaving to pursue film making. He went on to make the great B-movie series, and cult classic, "Evil Dead". His character, Ash, is the hero and has a chainsaw in place of one hand. His official Biography is titled: "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a 'B' Movie Actor."

Bruce would play a great John because he is very sell-educated, funny, not the coolest but still a great hero. And do you know any actor who looks MORE like John?

Jane Seymour as Rachael
Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg was born in Middlesex, England. She is most known for her role as Dr. Quinn on the TV series "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" which debued in 1993. She has done many well-received TV movies but her big screen success has been limited. She appeared in a movie called "Somewhere In Time" which the late Christopher Reeve set on Mackinac Island. Two of her sons are named after family friends Johnny Cash and Christopher Reeve. She appeared most recently in the film "Wedding Crashers." Jane is an official spokesperson for UNICEF. She is also odd-eyed, hey right being green and the other gray.

Well, not that Rachael has gray, green, or odd-colored eyes, her eyes do remind me of Jane's. Her long hair and half smile also remind me of Rachael. Her character, Dr. Quinn, was always strong, smart, and independent, characteristics right at home in Rachael as well.

Matt Damon as Jarud
The Massechusett's native, and friend of Ben Afleck rose to stardom with the movie "Good Will Hunting." The tale of the genius janitor lead to other great films for Damon. The Bourne movies, a third one in the works, and Ocean's 11 & 12 were great box office successes. My favorite movie of Matt's is "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Damon plays Ripley, a man who lives a life of lies in Italy, leaching onto Jude Law's character and killing the people Ripley loves most.
Matt Damon is a very talented actor. I don't think it is a coincidence that he seems to play curiously inteligent people role after role. Behind his wide smile, through his eyes, there is a very complex mind. Jarud has always seemed like a bit of a mystery to me as well. Just when you think you can predict him, he falls in love with "Phantom of the Opera."

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Harry Potter

Ok this is the main problem I have with Harry Potter: The morality is wrong.
I was thinking about my discussion with Kenric and John and I realized I did not explain something the correct way. The problem with Harry Potter's law-breaking is that he is not usually breaking unjust laws. There is a difference between breaking a law because it is unjust, or just plain wrong, and breaking a law because you 'feel' like you should break it in order to remedy a situation. Many of the laws Harry breaks are not unjust, in fact they are quite good laws, such as the laws reguarding underage magic. There are other times when Dumbledore ( or some other person on the 'good' side) will tell Harry, "stay here for your own safety and the safety of others" and Harry will disregaurd them and, by some fluke, save the day. I don't have examples right now but I will find them...not exactly excited about going back into the books, but I'll let Kenric have his say.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Harry Potter

Well i read the first two books...not impressed not at all...will update later...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia

20050222_prague_angel, narnia
Originally uploaded by zyphichore.

Ok, if you guys didn't go see the movie yet, you have to. I just saw it tonight and I was fantastic. I wouldn't say that it's better than any of The Lord of the Rings movies overall, but in some ways it is.

Anywho, I have finals this coming week and will be arriving home Friday night. I will be home until January 16th.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"Snow Baller"

Yeah, this is pretty much genius...or maybe pointless. But, take a look at it anyway.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by jcasabona.
we have to see this, i think. maybe. it would be so cool. if we want to see it we have to get tickets asap. the shows are this sunday @ 2:30 and 7:30. let me know if you are interested and i will order tickets. its at grand rapids @ van andel arena. the only bad thing: tickets are $39.50 and $49.50.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Money and Lights...

Well, today was very interesting after mass.

I went to the computer lab and then decided to go eat, so I started eating around 1:00 in the TLC lounge area. I was about done with my lunch when somene walked in and asked me for money. He didn't threaten me or anything you guys are thinking of. He said he needed money for, I forgot what he needed it for, but I decided to give him 5 dollars, but I only had a 20, so I went to get change. And then he told me he would pray for me, after I gave it to him. Hopefully, he really needed the money, and not cheating me. But I felt kind enough to give it to him. And then, I read some Harry Potter before I took my math test. And then I paid for my classes, and coming out of the building, I finally saw the "smoke tent" or whatever, which I didn't see until today. And also (keep the post going, Tom), why do they have signs all over saying LCC is a "Smoke Free" campus, when really it isn't. The Campus, includes the walkways too, right? So that is so dumb. Anyway, that is all I have to say, besides Rachael is mean.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


A free birthday shall be awarded to the person who can correctly identify what would be considered courteous to a meter maid in the event that she was backing up to write you a ticket while you were going towards your car to put money in the meter. (sorry sarah, but you can't play)

back pain

Alright...we are not going to michgan's adventure this back is still screwed up from that and i am tired of it bugging me...i can't get comfortable sleeping at night and even sitting in a chair is bugging no mas michigan...mmmm we should go camping though...maybe us girls will take a trip to maine...HEY lets go ice skating soon...cause it would be fun and i love ice skating...rachael and kenric...does your pond freeze over? cause then we could play hockey or something...we wouldn't even need skates....boot hockey is awesomnessly fun....just a tennis ball and some sticks..or a puck if my brothers still have one.