Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Why do I think that we should be able to post music? Around three times a day I hear a song and think. Man, they ( as in you people) should hear this, wait! I'll blog it, wait! I can't.....dang. It's like that weird thing were you forget you don't have to do something anymore, like go to work, yet you still think you have to every once in a while, before you remember you don't have to. So yeah I want you to hear my great crazy Irish music, and you can't.....rats.........................

lift 2 3s

Originally uploaded by ColleenBean.
only marnee can understand the enormous and complete sense of awe i have right now.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Doll Attack!

Originally uploaded by hillarybird.
Rachael, does this look familiar?!?! this is a creepy little doll.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I'm not trying to start a fight or anything. I'm just curious, What do you guys think is better Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Which Star Wars Character are you?

Since we already did LOTR, let's do Star Wars.

I found this.

I am a Jedi I have never even heard of: Kyle Katarn

My thoughts is this is a bad quiz because I am not Yoda they say.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Which LOTR character are you?

So who are you? I'm Eowyn.
Click here to find out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Make a Fight With GoogleFight

Click Here

Fight Results:

Tom vs. Kenric
188,000,000 to 15,200

Sarah vs. Jennifer
53,000,000 to 51,700,000

Eat More

mmmmmmmmm starbucks
Originally uploaded by stephiblu.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Birthday's Won
Kenric: 4
Rest of Members: 0

I said that I would take over this temporarily (I think) for Ben, so here it is. Let me know if it is too easy or too hard. No hints, no multiple guesses.

Why is it that 1990 American dollar bills are
worth more than 1989 American dollar bills?

Monday, May 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by buffalo305.
Have any of you ever had morel mushrooms? They are pretty much one of the greatest tasting things ever, if cooked right. My family goes mushroom hunting (no, we refuse to disclose the locations). My dad and me found quite a few the other day. My mouth is literally watering thinking about them.

Neil & Amber are Getting Married!

Originally uploaded by Momom Liu.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Birthday's Won - Updated
Kenric: 4
Rest of Memebrs: 0

This one takes a bit more searching, because it has more than one part. It's a tough one, but I'm sure somebody is up for the challenge.

Where is the Karla Crater, what is its diameter in km, and how old is it?

No hints on this one.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Birthday's Won - Updated
Kenric: 3
Rest of Mmbers: 0

Well, Kenric wins again. I should have a new quiz question, maybe one that's a little tougher, tomorrow.

This is a tough one, and you are not allowed to guess an infinite amount of times. Again, you are playing for a free birthday. Here's the question:

What's a Tim Conway?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Birthdays Won
Kenric: 2
Rest of Members: 0

I would like to inform my fellow bloggers that this is in fact a simple sentence. Kenric wins 2 birthdays because I was wrong as well. The element was supposed to read: When Santa could not fit through the chimney...or some other sort of clause. The answer was supposed to be Santa Clause.

If you can answer this riddle, you win a free birthday!

What Sentence Structure Element Is The Phrase Below?

Santa could not fit through the chimney...

Please place your answers in the comments area

Monday, May 09, 2005

E-mail Jesus?

I didn't know that He had e-mail, but the site says that He always answers...interesting. It worries me what He might e-mail back.

True Hillbilly Moment

Originally uploaded by CaptPiper.
Today I was outside in the wonderful warm summer air dumping the garbage when I saw that we had some asparagus growing already in the garden. (yesss!) I came back outside with a bowl and picked some. I was thinking how nice out it was, not to mention, I was picking asparagus! Then...I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to have a huge asparagus farm and spend my time in the wonderful warm weather, eating asparagus all the time. Then, I realized that that was a really weird thought and went inside. I seriously don't know what goes on in my mind sometimes. (I'm eating delicious steamed asparagus as I type this.)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

crazy us...

Originally uploaded by JoJo!.
We are all sitting in a boat, a circular boat. Someone just drank the last of our water. we all sit with wide eyes and foaming mouths tense and high strung. like wild animals, one sudden move will let all break lose. Why do I feel that this is true as of now. In a non-literal sense, but yet true?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Originally uploaded by Nadar.
I want one. What is your crazy dream? I want to be an artist, have a huge house, and either live on a huge ranch with horses or live in the inner city and do foster care work with inner city kids. Not likely to happen.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Jihad against Ken Farley

Forget about a Jihad against "Pope Benedict XVI," Ken is annoying. Just ask Jennifer and Rachael. Today was the worst day I had in a long time with Ken bugging me. Why do some people like Ken, have all the words that come from their mouths be negative?