Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i havn't posted in a while

Well, Rachael and I are back from the UP and have officially been yooperized i guess. I got a pastie, and ate it, and it was good. I went to the town of Paradise, which it really isn't. I got to go to the Wild Blueberry festival there, and also to a karaoke (apparently, people like country music there a lot) with a crazy old guy, and also to see Tahquanemon falls, which were awesome. There really isn't much in the UP except wilderness. It is not very inhabited and I sort of got the feeling of what going to Alaska might be like. Desolation. Its really beautiful up there, though. We also went to Munising, which was a really nice town and to Fayette.


Sarah said...

go away dumb spam.
and sweet munising is where we always meet our grandparents when we ever meet them "halfway" ( it is not really halfway) paradise haha, did you see the town of christmas? that is a corny one for you l don't understand how anyone could live there. yeah the UP is awesome...

Rachael said...

yeah, we saw Christmas. we wanted to go gambling at the casino there, but you had to be 21 because they served alcohol. bummer.

Adam said...

You should see the Taquamenon Falls in the Winter.

Jenn said...

actaully karaoke down here is all country too.

krustacianken said...

country is one of the worst music genres ever.

Jenn said...

what do u think southern porch whister is? lol u r a funny guy. even sarah (who hates country... and southern porch whister) like some country (as long as you call it something else.. like blue grass or apalacian music or.. something) and n e ways, everyone knows that rap and techno are the worse genres or music, duh.

krustacianken said...

southern front porch whistler is by no means country. first of all, there is no one singing. second, in order for it to be country, it has to sound like country, which it doesn't. third, if someone were singing, which they aren't, then they would have to sound like all other country singers of the same gender. fourth, if someone were singing, which they arent't, then they would have to sing about beer or women, or losing something or someone, which obviously isn't happening. i think that it is its own genre...neverhood.