Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Joke Time!!!

Since two people have already LOVED my two jokes I will tell me all you fortunate people.

1. What is a Chadwick?

2. What did one Chadwick say to the other?

I am sorry, but I didn't post the answers. Maybe you can guess them or something.


krustacianken said...

1. your retarded.
2. your dumb.
secret answer letter c: stop telling jokes for, like, ever.

Rachael said...

awwww! KENRIC, why arent you in class? don't you have class at 6:10? i'm at home and i took a long nap. so long that when i woke up and my clock said 7:25, i didnt know if it was morning or night.

Sarah said...

yeah kenric get back to class, ( hehe, i left mine like 2 hours early cause i was mostly done with my stuff

Marnee said...

Chadwick is a road south of Westphalia

Tom said...

Kenric is almost right, but Marnee is the closest so far.

Marnee, I did make the jokes going by the road. But I specifically said What is A chadwick? Not, what is chadwick?

Note: Try to be like me when trying to solve this. These jokes are pretty dumb and retarded like Kenric said.

Jenn said...

a dimpled candle, your hot(gcjhebvm is too flippin' long for a security word!)

Tom said...

Jennifer is right for the first, but not in my words. But her answer makes more sense than my own.

The second answer is wrong however.

Sarah said...

the answer to 'b' is " you have a stupid name"

Jenn said...

i think "yer hot" is a great answer to b lol

Adam said...

the first Chadiwick said it sure feels hot! and then the other one said "aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! a talking Chadwick!!!!!!!"


stop drop and roll!

Tom said...

Those are all great answers, why didn't I come up with them. But, if Jennifer was thinking about something when she figured out the first answer, then she should be able to figure out the second answer.

If that hint confused you, that's good.

Marnee said...

maybe it was "candles can't have dimples because....(insert Tom's reason)"
I don't know, I can't figure it out. Tom, I'm having trouble thinking like you. Give us a real hint.

Tom said...

Marnee, that is a good one too.

Ok, here is my hint.

It is the correct answer to #1: A chadwick is a hanging candle. But I think Jennifer's 1st answer (she was right) and a little research, you should be able to guess what one says to the other.

Jenn said...

who did u vote for?

Tom said...

The birthday distributing is back!

Jennifer managed to guess the answers to my two jokes. Although your second answer was different, I gave it to you anyway (I think your answers were better than mine, but I made them up in 2 seconds). Because you were referring to your first answer.

The "official" (Tom's) answers were:

1. Hanging candle

2. Why did you mess up the presidential election in Florida?

Tom said...


Birthdays won:
Kenric: 4
Jennifer: 3 3/4
Sarah: 1(I guess Sarah needs at least one, since her birthday is tomorrow)
Adam: 1/4

I think that is the correct count, correct me if I am wrong, and if you do, well, I guess you get a cake.

Jenn said...

great joke tom (i love games that i win)