Saturday, March 26, 2005

Weird Words

Ok, I am finally doing it. For no particular reason, all of you need to post any words that you can think of that are either weird, humorous to you, sound weird to you, or are annoying to you (or all or a combination of any). Here's mine: Giblets, Abominable, Quack, Stoichiometry, Glutenous, Defibrillator, Antidisestablishmentarianism, Ballet, Wigwam, Dubious, don't worry, I'll think of more.


Sarah said...

toast, welcome, because, glaze, ring, doughnut, and probably.

Rachael said...

fritter, dumpling, box and sausage

Rachael said...

and i forgot rural

Tom said...

I guess I should say gomer, tator tot (Hey, Napoleon, give me some of your tots), urban

Tom said...

I have a question. Why is there a March 1990 archive? Is this the lost post archive or what?

Unknown said...

I am going to have to go with "Why is there a March 1990 archive?"

Yeah, I know it's a phrase and not a word, but really, 1990? Where are you seeing this Tom?

krustacianken said...

fritter, heh heh!

Tom said...

Ben, in the archive section of the blog, there was a March 1990 archive. It is gone now, but there were 2 posts in there, both of which was this post. I guess Kenric accidently made 3 copies of this post, and put 2 of them in that archive, which is now gone.

krustacianken said...


Unknown said...

"there was a March 1990 archive"

"In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN propose a 'hypertext' system, which is the first start of the Internet as we know it today."

And guess what...

"The term “weblog” was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997, not long after blogging emerged onto the Internet mainframe."

So as you can see, it is quite impossible for a March 1990 archive to exist today, or even in some sort of parallel universe (due to the invention of blogging coming 7 years after the invention of the internet).

Game, Set, Match.

Tom said...

Ben, I was being serious. I know what I saw.

And my phrase wasn't intended for it to be "weird words." I just didn't want to create a new post for that incidence, so I said it here.

And to get back to the subject, "pixel." I just watched the MSU game and they zoomed the 3 point shot at the end of regulation, and it had to be in pixels to actually see it.

Unknown said...

I understand Tom, I was just picking on you.

Regarding weird words...I have more of a problem with phrases but...I guess I could go with...billabong. Or anytime that people try to make fun of other accents by immitating them.

Tom said...

I hate sarcasm.

Yeah, sarcasm is a weird word. But every word is weird. Just like people are, all people are weird.

Sarah said...

what! sarcasm is my middle name! How can you hate sarcasm.

Jenn said...

i second "rural" i would also like to say that i dont get what u r saying ben... but i m thinking u mean like when random say... white people.. start talking ghetto randomly or is it more like how hannible lector gets a southern accent randomly because both bother me. but i do think less irritating accents are fun to imitate suck as boston, english and irish, but that is neither here nor there. hhmm... words... let me think... sploosh(nicole geller), cool beans (megan simon), goofy (lindsey wright), shnoz, coccyx, melanoma, avacado.

Unknown said...

I was actually refering to Kyle's attempts at an Aussie accent, though he just does it to bother me.

I guess I would have to add to my list when white people think that they are either cool or funny when they talk like black people. Ex. "Hey dog...(pause for thinking)...where my hommies...(pause for more thinking)...shizzle?

Tom said...

I thought Elaine was your middle name.

What is "brine?"

Rachael said...

cinnamon and anemone

Sarah said...

yeah that really annoys me too, when white people try to talk like black people. I know black people and they don't sound anything like that. It would be like someone trying to copy us saying "like" all the time and way over using it with the wrong voice inflections ( spelling?). Same thing with Irish accents, English is fine, but very few people can do an Irish accent.
Brine is salty water.

krustacianken said...

The Irish accent is the best accent ever. Sarah, you should get an Irish accent.

Sarah said...

yeah, I'll get right on that, kenric. I like the Irish accent, but hardly anyone can do it right. I really hate all those stupid bar adds on the radio around st.patrick's day, such a bad accent. Same thing with a stupid made for tv movie that i saw the other day. They were in honduras, wow nothing like the country, and all the spanish speaking people had an odd english accent, and a fake spanish one when they spoke english.

Anonymous said...

from adam:

i no these are names but all names are words in some language

-Lake Fanny Hooe
-Walla Walla, Washington

and these are just words
- unthaw (wouldn't that just be the same thing as freezing, but people say it like it means the same as thaw)
-friend (why not spell it frend? whats the point in the "i")

Anonymous said...

from adam:


krustacianken said...

Adam, i totally agree with you. The english language has to be the stupidest language in the entire world. The way we spell some worlds is just plain idiotic. Also, i have never gotten how anyone named Richard can be called Dick, or how Sean somehow translates to Shawn. Yeah, also along the lines of "unthaw", inflammable means the same thing as flammable and i believe unflammable is not a word. Also, i read that back in the day there was a movement called the "Simpul Spelling Moovment" or something like that that was to reform the english language but it never went anywhere. Here's an interesting site.

Adam said...

Hell is in the lower peninsula

Tom said...

What is the U.S. smart at, really? We don't use the metric system. Every measurement we don't use makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Tom, the US is not smart

Tom said...

"United States being smart" is the weirdest phrase ever, or the phrase that isn't true.

I ran 2400 METERS today, not 1 and a half MILES. Besides track, I don't think we use meters for anything else.

krustacianken said...


krustacianken said...

Flonaise, Musinex

Anonymous said...

truex nash sturmovik ubi soft

Jenn said...

isnt ubisoft a gaming company?... a french one at that?

krustacianken said...

Gaming company, yes, french, I dont know.