Monday, March 14, 2005

My first day dead and I am doing alright.

I was very sore after our track workout today. And then during milking I stretched some and I feel much better. I didn't have any cramps yet, but I might.

For more on cramps and how to minimize them in the future, go here.

I did drink lots of water in between running though if that will help.


Sarah said...

did you put the fight post as a link? I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just asking. :P

Tom said...

No, but whoever that did it is a genius. Sarah, we haven't had a fight in a long time. But you happen to be in all the arguments, how weird!

Rachael said...

Tom, I am officially going to die today at practice. 90 minutes with an MSU athletic trainer is going to be...bad. Yes, bad.

Anonymous said...

from adam:

i hope this doesn't start any arguments, but.... baseball is so much fun!

Tom said...

I don't know about P-W baseball, but Fowler baseball is so worthless. Not saying the team is worthless, but the running they do is worthless. Last year, I heard they only ran like at most 3 laps around the diamond. But I believe they are running more this year, due to a new coach.

Maybe that is why you think it is so fun.