Wednesday, March 09, 2005


violin w flowers
Originally uploaded by crazygermangirl.
Hey Rachael and Jennifer,
Marnzipan and I were talking the other day about how we are all awesome at music stuff. ( Rachael piano, Jennifer singing, Marnee viola, Sarah violin). So we thought that sometime we should try to play some music and see if it sounds awesome or not.
If you have any other music things that you do we could use that too. ( harmonica!!) So yeah, think about it.


Jenn said...

we should get together and write some music

Sarah said...

That's a good idea. Hey, now we can have a hobby.

Rachael said...

YES! Great idea. (I tried to get that going awhile ago, lol.) Anyway, yes, we do need to get together and "see if it sounds awesome". It makes me happy just thinking about it.

Sarah said...

ok lets do it.

sleepybomb said...

er, i just stumbled in here, but i blow a mean blues harp, (harmonica to some), amongst other various instuments, not excluding trombone and cowbell. . . if it'll the advancement of modern music for the masses. . .
just a thought. . .

Unknown said...

Since you just had to show a picture of a violin, check out these pictures. Truly the "touch of the master's hand"


krustacianken said...

Get Tom to be lead singer.

Tom said...

Lead singer? Who are you kidding?