Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Taste Loss

"It is estimated that approximately 2 million adult Americans have a taste and/or smell disorder."

In commemoration of me finding out that Rachael is not the only human on the planet with taste loss (known in some regions as no after taste), I've decided to provide some links on the subject.

Diagnosis of Taste Loss

Preventing Taste Loss

UConn Taste & Smell Center


Rachael said...

How embarassing! Too bad you can't see me blushing. For clarification, I can taste!! Believe me, I probably wouldn't eat so much if I couldn't taste how delicious everything was. I just don't taste my food after I eat it (gross. I think my mouth is just cleaner than everyone elses). As for the cause of this, who knows? One of the causes is a brain tumor. That could do it. And I don't think becoming a drinker of Miller beer would help prevent taste loss. Thanks for the consideration though, Ben. :D

Jenn said...

oh my gosh, those commercials for that beer are sooo dumb. wow. haha

Anonymous said...

from adam:

i'm beginning to think that beer commercials should be illegal like cigarette commercials. How many adults that drink beer talk about how funny beer commercials are? I here teenagers talk about them more!

Anonymous said...

he-hem the hear you where speaking of is "hear" not "here"

Adam said...

he-hem, " he hem isn't a word!

Anonymous said...

whatever, yup it is, I make my own words