Friday, January 07, 2005

The Pianist
Last night, I watched The Pianist, a movie about Wladyslaw, a Polish piano player (who can play the piano magnificently!), who is also a Jew. He lived in Warsaw, controlled by Nazis during that time. Wladyslaws family was taken to be killed at a concentration camp, but he was kept to work in a labor camp. The beginning of the movie is filled with very disturbing scenes of how the Nazis brutally killed Jews. After escaping from the labor camp he was at, he hid out in different buildings with the help of Polish people. Many times, he nearly died of starvation. Towards the end, a Nazi soldier found him in a bombed-out house. After the soldier askes what he does, Wladyslaw replies, "I'm a pianist." "Well, play something then." The pianist plays a song. During the song, I really realized how precious life is no matter what religion, gender, or race we are. You have to see this movie!! What makes it 10x more affective is that the movie is a true story.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

sounds like a really good movie. i'll have to look into it. i'm running out of good movies to see.