Thursday, February 17, 2005


What do you think about depressing music, ( example: good charlotte, evensceance, ...whatever else you can think of)
1. It's evil, never listen to it.
2. It's not evil, but I don't like it.
3. It's not evil and I like it.
What do you agree with and why.
P.S. I'm not telling you which I agree with yet.


Jenn said...

who is that guy?... and since when is good charlotte a depressing band? i thought they were punk posers.. n e ways i woul dhave to say the depressing music is far from evil. Music is theraputic. sometimes when a person is sad or depressed it is comforting to hear that you aren't alone in your misery. some people think depressing music makes people sad and want to kill people or something. i don't think they are illogical people. we read sad book dont we? thats what most of these songs are like. they tell a story of sadness. everything in life isnt sunshine and bunny rabbits and these songs reflect that. art reflects life, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

I like some of evensceances music.

Jenn said...

that amy girl in evensceance has a great voice. she needs to keep making music even tho they broke up.

Sarah said...

Well I know that Good Charlotte isn't all that depressing, but I couldn't really think of anything else, and I figured that the rest of the people on the blog wouldn't know anyway.
I agree with you Jen, but I couldn't think of how to explain it, a lot of people have gotten on my case for liking "depressing music" so I wanted to see what you guys thought of it.

Sarah said...

And I have no idea who that guy is.

Jenn said...

people need to get off your case about things sarah. Sometimes people dont understand things and they should just let well enough alone. why do people try to understand why people do things? and if they dont try to understand they usually jsut tell them to stop doing what they love. and that isnt cool. people should chill.

Marnee said...

no kidding! :) (jennifer)

And I don't mind Evanesence sometimes...but i saw one of their music videos and it was...strange. I didn't like that.

Jenn said...

i like their videos. my importal was sad.. and artsy. i like artsy photography, black eye make-up (nail polish ;) ), creepy stuff, and around weird stuff that people dont like.

Sarah said...

except for me and some of my friends that you guys don't know. We love weird black stuff.