Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Does anyone want to publish a poem? I feel like someone should.


Unknown said...

Do you mean publish it as in publish it to this website, or some other form of publishing?

Rachael said...

This site...or actually publish it. Whatever.

Sarah said...

Yup someone write and publish a poem...and it can't be me because I can't write poetry. Tom? Rachael? Ben? you other people should too but your never on.

Tom said...

Maybe I should write poetry. What kind of poem do you want to hear? A rhyming one, or what?

Rachael said...

Iambic pentameter- Shakespeare style please.

Tom said...

Go ahead then Rachael.

Ok, I sort of forgot that was anyway. It has to do with 5 something? Syllables? Words? Or is it that accents crap?

Jenn said...

Rachael, you already read my poem for Kyle ...

"La Poema"
Yo miro por mi amor,
pero que yo miro eres tu.
Tu eres un grad chico,
pero no amo tu.

jajaja muy bien!


"The Poem"
I look for my love,
But all I find is you.
You are a great guy,
But i do not love you.

hahaha very good!