Thursday, December 23, 2004

trees that are false

This is my second blog on this site. I feel like ranting, so I'm going to complain about my family's Christmas tree; This tree, that we have in our living room, is not even real, that is, it's FAKE. This is such an outrage, I know that some people have fake Christmas trees-------and that's fine, but this is a Charlie Brown fake Christmas tree. There are two
options to Christmas tree buyers, and two rules. You may buy a fake or real tree. You may buy a Charlie Brown real tree and you may not buy a Charlie Brown fake tree.
Thus, I end my rant. Have a very Merry Christmas


Unknown said...

Hey, I happen to like the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

Sarah said...

Charlie Brown Christmas Trees are fine, but not FAKE Charlie Brown Christmas Trees.

Unknown said...

I guess you're rgiht. It isn't one of those white ones is it? That would make it the ugliest tree ever.

Rachael said...

Hey, we have a real charlie brown treee. I mean...a true charlie brown tree. My dad had to take string and tie up some of the branches to fill in the empty spots. I can take the credit for it though because I picked it out of our woods, helped dad cut it and drag it up the hill. Only then did we realize our mistake and it was too late. I'll admit though, it does a perfectly good job of being a Christmas tree.