Monday, October 30, 2006

Where's Rachaela?

I haven't heard from Rachael in a long time. Haven't been seeing many comments if at all. I just want to know if she was eaten by a polar bear or something.


Marnee said...

No kidding. I hope she is around for the Thanksgiving reunion event.

Jenn said...

i got a b-day card from her, but other than that... no word from her. does she not do the online thing? she is at a school called TECH... she should know how to get online to talk with her old pals shoudlnt she? :-p

Rachael said...

hey guys! i'm around. sorry i've been so bad about keeping contact. tech is awesome...but crazy hard academically. i've been doing lots of studying, while having 2 part-time jobs, being in swing club, ridge roamers, leading backpacking trips, leading apologetics at St. Als and a being a part of music is pretty crazy for me. in fact, i just got back from a women in the wilderness leadership conference in minneapolis. i don't have aim or messenger though and never get on gmail, so that's why. if you want my phone number or address it's- wait, nevermind, im not making my info public. :P please e-mail me if you'd like it. and now i'm off to do calc homework. oh, and if you ever want to face the cold and visit, you're more than welcome. i have lots of fun stuff that i could take you to. for the record, if kenric has told you that tech sucks, it doesn't. it rocks more than you could ever imagine. :D !!! oh and i have a week off for thanksgiving. how cool is that?

Jenn said...

wow, i'm glad i'm not busy... i'm busy enough with normal stuff

Tom said...

and you are coming home for Thanksgiving in that week off?

Rachael said...

yup, i'll be coming home.

Rachael said...

rachaelo?? that implies masculinity!! it's rachaela!! get it right tom. ;) (don't take me too seriously)

Tom said...

(not taking this seriously) I was only going along the same lines of Waldo. Too many A's I think.

Rachael's glad she is not a girl.