Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Poem to a Friend

My dearest cousin Rachael:

you need to chill!
readily I can hide,
but I can get down a roof ever more faster.
improving, my ankle is.
beating you is my biz.
It is now the hour
that your blog may be called our
for I have posted this poem
and I really want to go home
so would you please
get here before I make a bunch of Zs.
I want some cheese with that whine.
but after this poem which is fine,
I have the more lines,
so there are many signs
that I am indeed better than you,
but for the sake of rhyming schemes you are great too.

With love,
your cousin Tom


Tom said...

Um, you are pretty good at writing poems, how long did it take you?

And I thought we were third cousins. Because if you were my second cousin, there are better ones out there than you. To them two, Kenric and Rachael.

Tom said...

Toms are the only ones commenting on this. What the crap!

What's odd?

Jenn said...

even more faster?

Tom said...

no, it is ever more faster.

Jenn said...

sorry, ever more faster... it is even worse haha

Tom said...

no, I wanted it to read "ever more faster." I can't just correct it (if it is wrong), because I wouldn't respect my poem's originality.

Tom said...

tomorrow 10:30 mass, first time since the last time I saw it.

Jenn said...

i made another post... i've been good at that lately.

Jenn said...

it seems liek the ark is always closed when people woudl want to go. wasnt it closed like.. layborday? 4th of july?

Rachael said...

new years eve.

Rachael said...

awww tom misses everyone.

krustacianken said...

yeah, thats dumb. they need to make all the money they can. its probably not right to have it open on religious holidays, though, it being the ark.

Adam said...

A Series of couplets on Mr. Thomas Shannon (they'd all be 2 lines if it wasn't for blogger.)

Mr Shannon is a short bald man
who's choice of music is very blan'

he should enjoy a better song list of thirty
rather than being just plain flirty

This Shannon is a very young man
he needs to act more like a gentleman.

If and only if he would realize
maybe she doesn't like it when he comments on her eyes

Isn't it fun,
when the wildness of my jokes run?

He use to work for Jerry
back when his head was hairy.

Now I shall stop
before my creativity goes pop.

Happy Easter to all of you
and if you fasted from pop drink mtn. dew!

Adam said...

I forgot to sign it:

we share the same house hold separately,