Matt brought up an interesting concept, who would play us in a movie? I have some suggestions, but I would really love to know what u think.
Bruce Campbell as John This Michigander began acting professionally as the King in a production of "The King and I" at age 14. He attended Western Michigan University for about 6 months before leaving to pursue film making. He went on to make the great B-movie series, and cult classic, "Evil Dead". His character, Ash, is the hero and has a chainsaw in place of one hand. His official Biography is titled: "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a 'B' Movie Actor."
Bruce would play a great John because he is very sell-educated, funny, not the coolest but still a great hero. And do you know any actor who looks MORE like John?
Jane Seymour as Rachael Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg was born in Middlesex, England. She is most known for her role as Dr. Quinn on the TV series "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" which debued in 1993. She has done many well-received TV movies but her big screen success has been limited. She appeared in a movie called "Somewhere In Time" which the late Christopher Reeve set on Mackinac Island. Two of her sons are named after family friends Johnny Cash and Christopher Reeve. She appeared most recently in the film "Wedding Crashers." Jane is an official spokesperson for UNICEF. She is also odd-eyed, hey right being green and the other gray.
Well, not that Rachael has gray, green, or odd-colored eyes, her eyes do remind me of Jane's. Her long hair and half smile also remind me of Rachael. Her character, Dr. Quinn, was always strong, smart, and independent, characteristics right at home in Rachael as well.
Matt Damon as Jarud The Massechusett's native, and friend of Ben Afleck rose to stardom with the movie "Good Will Hunting." The tale of the genius janitor lead to other great films for Damon. The Bourne movies, a third one in the works, and Ocean's 11 & 12 were great box office successes. My favorite movie of Matt's is "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Damon plays Ripley, a man who lives a life of lies in Italy, leaching onto Jude Law's character and killing the people Ripley loves most.
Matt Damon is a very talented actor. I don't think it is a coincidence that he seems to play curiously inteligent people role after role. Behind his wide smile, through his eyes, there is a very complex mind. Jarud has always seemed like a bit of a mystery to me as well. Just when you think you can predict him, he falls in love with "Phantom of the Opera."