Thursday, March 08, 2007


my roommate was broken up with tonight and it stinks. i feel so bad for her. the feeling of being broken up with completely came back to me and i can remember it too well. i don't even know what to say to comfort her. i've just been trying to be around...and not going out so that she isn't here alone. tonight i went out for a walk (yes, it's safe enough to do that).

the night was mysteriously peaceful. i don't even know what it was. something about the cool air that made me feel like i could sing faintly into the quietness. the stars were out and there was no wind. everything was just quiet...except for my voice singing to God. and i was in a hoodie with no coat freezing and everything was wonderful.


Rachael said...

p.s. the night made me miss home and all of you.

Tom said...

thanks, Rachael. That is another compliment.

Sorry, I can't feel what your roommate is feeling. I have yet to go on a date.

Sarah said...

that is sad. breaking up is hard. though like tom i wouldn't know. yeha peaceful nights are awesome. speaking of awesome. I went hiking in the Smoky Mountains with my family on thursday. It was a shorter, easy trail but there were all kinds of waterfalls and it was pretty. Made me miss yellowstone.

Rachael said...

you were in the smoky mountains!! lucky!! i am so antsy to get out and go somewhere with mountainss.