Thursday, May 04, 2006

So here I am...

Not doing anything. I am in the computer lab bored out of my mind. And I don't have any exams to study for. Well, I could study for Design and Communication, but no. I already took my math test. It only took me about 2 hours. And now Gmail isn't working, the only communication I do have is gone. No, I didn't lose my cell phone, even though you weren't thinking about that. I will be very bored come next week. I only have one exam next week and then what? Nothing. Well, I didn't warn you guys of this rant of my boredom, but you hardly comment on my posts anyway. Well, you will comment, maybe something other than what I am talking about, maybe Jennifer will comment saying she has a new post. Yup, there is no sign of intelligent life anyway, besides me of course. :) I will probably receive more comments about that last sentence than any other. Well, what movie was that from? The intelligent life sentence.


Rachael said...

whoah tom...just enjoy yourself, please! gosh, if anyone out there has some tylenol, i need it!!! my chemistry exam probably couldn't have gone worse. (it was like..."i've never seem this stuff!") math, which i just got done taking, was another case of a blankout. oooof. i'm so domb! it was like i didn't want to be there so bad that my mind would not function. mid-test, i was daydreaming about running...yup. are we going to the ark tonight people? if so, i'm running because i haven't gotten a chance yet and i neeeed to. wanna know something happy? there's a guy sitting right next to me with a mullet! yes!! tom, is this comment beefy enough for you? i'm getting out of class early, so yeah, everyone else should too.

krustacianken said...


Jenn said...

what math r u in rachael?

Rachael said...

college algebra and trig, i think that's what it's called...not to hard, just a painful class to be in.