Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Its Movie Time!

man, i feel like making a movie. we've all been saying we have to make a movie. well, if we want a movie, we need a script and thats what this post is all about. we gotta make this thing before rachael, sarah, and i leave and when jennifer and john are here. put your ideas here and we'll discuss them. or has this been discussed already? didn't sarah say something about writing a scipt. i dont know. anyway, this movie is going to be great.


Sarah said...

well i think that the movie should involve two brilliant criminals who mastermind crimes and escape from the fuzz. Also, who can speak in a british accent? You get to be the criminals...why british? well cause everyone knows that british people are 102938102398 times more funny than everyone else. Airsoft gun will play an important part ( duhh, what good would a movie be without violence). The criminals will get away with crime in a rather impossible style...things such as building planes out of leaves and toothpicks to escape. or maybe just simpsons style and have the narrator get kidnapped...i don't know

krustacianken said...

well, i have some very interesting ideas for some weird al (cringe) type stuff involving a nerd walking down the sidewalk with a boombox dancing, a ton of people dancing in step down the middle of a street, someone pushing tom feldpaush in a baby carriage with just his head showing with a baby bonnet on, and a movie about someone chasing their clone/hallucination, only to result in them killing themselves. if we're going to have a cool movie, we have to have cool music, expecially for the chase scenes. where are we going to get it from. maybe we could "borrow" it from other movies.

Sarah said...

kenric...we need to do a monty phython style of movie...weird random stuff and a stupid plot...and british people

Jenn said...

i dont have n e ideas... but i think i'd like writing a moive. altho... i dont think i'm messed up enough for u kids.

Sarah said...

that's what i meant tom.. the random stuff in kenric's post mixed with the stuff in my post + whatever everyone else comes up with equals: great movie

Tom said...

I like Kenric's random stuff, especially the baby idea. And airsoft guns, yup we have to have them. Hey, speaking of guns and babies, we could copy the simpsons episode when Maggie almost kills Mr. Burns.

And for all you that didn't hear about my idea of copying 24, we could have CTU as Counter Toms Unit. That is it from me right now.

Tom said...

Tom, you are a banana?

Tom said...


Jenn said...

peanut butter jelly time

krustacianken said...

we need to film someone going completely nuts when too many people ask if he needs help in best buy.

Tom said...

ok, Kenric, did you comment this before or after reading my new post on my site? If you didn't read it yet (you have to), and that only means we have to do it, because me and Kenric are thinking about the same thing.

krustacianken said...


Tom said...

but we still have to do something like that.

Adam said...

Make it up as you go.