Saturday, January 21, 2006

Update From Florida

Well, it's been about a week since I got here so I figgured it was time I started blogging again.

First off, the weather is beautiful down here. Last week it was just warm enough and we had just enough wind. It was the kind of weather that we dream about in Michigan; and only see for a few weeks in spring. That being said though, it is starting to get hot here and the humidity is starting to rise. I hope the air conditioning is better that it was last semester.

Secondly, my roommates are back as well. Miguel was sick all of this week. He is feeling better today, but he still is not in perfect health; I hope he does not pass it to the rest of us. Tim is Tim. I really don't know what to say about Tim, he is what he is. And, neather him nor I have girlfriends. Oh well.

Now to the most important part of my life: Schoolwork. My classes are going great. I scheduled almost all of may class to start after noon. The only class that starts before noon is my choir class, and that meet only one a week.

As for my classes, here goes. My history class is going to be a breeze. There will be one or two short papers, and that's about it. I kinda feel bad taking the class, but I really can't help it i need the class. Next, I have Latin class. That class is going to be hard, but there is not much I can do about that. Than, I have Sacred Scripture. That class is great, my teacher is hilarious and he knows his stuff too. Than I have Choir, which will be easy, and a class on how to perform Shakespeare. Finally, I have Modern Lit. That is my favorite class. My teacher is from Canada and he is an expert in Old English literature, especialy Beowulf, which is what we are currently studying. he is also kind of old, but he is funny and a great teacher; and practicly everything he says is interesting. All and all, this is turning out to be a good semester.

That is about it for my life so far. I'll try to write more than I did last semester, but I make no promises.

Till Next Time

-John W


John W said...

I'll also try to reply to emails. So send 'em.

Tom said...

It looks like you have about as easy classes as I do. I am a half day ahead in Math Lab already. Yeah.

John, when are you available to talk on your cell? Because, I have to use mine for often.

Same with Ben. When are you available.

Jenn said...

u r in choir? thats so sweet. (yeah, i'm saying that in the cute way not the awesome way, haha, sorry) i'm kind of annoyed at my choir director right now.. he moved me from soprano II to Alto I because there were a million sopII's this semester, grr. u shoudl be online all the time and talk to us on msn and stuff.. gee whiz kid, we miss u already.

Rachael said...

hey, glad to hear from you john. we were missing you last night at toms house. (we had an office marathon) get warm weather and easy classes.

Sarah said...

lucky...warm weather...yeah we missed alto...jen that is like against the law...

Jenn said...

i know! there are some Sop II's that can't hit the notes for their own music.. they need to be moved down.. not me! grr. oh well. the alto lines r really easy... they go down to an F (like three lines under) and as high as E (space b4 the top line) so that isn't bad at all. i've been singing more kelly clarkson to get ready... not so much phantom n e more :( we had an A in the sop II line. figures i would get bumped when we finally got some good notes lol and now i have to listen to the altos talk bad about the sop's and how high notes r ugly... they r just jealous. lol

Sarah said...

ahhhh that's those notes are high...i can barely hit that e...oh yeah rachael and i quit doing music for youth mass.

krustacianken said...

what kind of name/description is that? who made it? im guessing ben?

Tom said...

well, I thought Ben was not allowed to blog anymore.

I only added onto the description.

John W said...

I'm free after 8:00 pm most nights.