Monday, January 16, 2006

Into Great Silence

There is a very austere order of Monks in the French Alps. Their order is called the Carthusian order. They live a very silent and contemplative life. They are very frugal and do not waste anything. A few years ago the first documentrary ever was made on their life.
The film is called "Into Great Silence" .
According to the website, the film is:
" Silence. Repitition. Rhythm. The film is an austere, next to silent meditation on monastic life in a very pure form. No music except the chants in the monastery, no interviews, no commentaries, no extra material.

Changing of time, seasons, and the ever repeated elements of the day, of the prayer. A film to become a monastery, rather than depict one."
Although the film will probably only come to theaters in Europe. It should come to the US on dvd or vhs.


Sarah said...

i know u guys are probably like what the heck...but i read a lot of the website and it sounds very interesting...i like the idea of is art in a good way.

Unknown said...

I've heard of it too from some website.

By the way, I may have to quit blogging. Word in the hallway is that instant messaging, face book, chat rooms, blogging, etc. are going to be prohibited.

Jenn said...

wow, your school might be evil...

Sarah said...

oh wow...that's interesting...the internet is a time waster i would still have email right?

Unknown said...

No, it's not the school, it's the seminary. But it makes sense. There have been some people who spend way too much time on this stuff.

We would still be able to use e-mail though.

By the way, how did the retreat go?

Jenn said...

i'm not going into y i disagree with your seminary's decision... because i know no1 cares. lol
vvpawjx grr, trying to trick me with the "vv" that looks liek a "w"... stupid blogger

Jenn said...

adam (or someone) needs to comment on my rediculous comments on adam's blog.

Sarah said... was good ( the retreat) some of the talks were more for 'baby catholics' but they were all good...

Unknown said...

how was Adam's talk?

Sarah said...

it was good... he used a lot of history and greek stuff so it was interesting...

Rachael said...

he talked about greek stuff?? wow, i guess i was fighting to stay awake during that time. :(

Sarah said...

well greek words

Jenn said...

i'm learning about mesapotamia... for the 50th time... but thats wha ti get for taking "the middle east since muhamad" (we have to learn about pre-muslim times to get context... or some crap)

Sarah said...

yeah i think i have been mesopotamiaed out...seems like every class HAS to talk about it...i mean it could be a bio class or a computers class or a this-is-how-you-cook-beaver-tail-class...and the teacher would be like "this relates to mesopotamia because..." I wouldn't even mind it if they said something new but they don't it's always " mesopotamia was the cradle of life and the sumerians and the city of ur and crap... ( end of rant)

Unknown said...

whoever thought of the new blog title (I am guessing Kenric) is hilarious.