Thursday, July 13, 2006

To our Buddies far away!!

Hey Guys! It feels like you have been gone forever! You all need to come home...why does it have to be another month away?? Well it looks like you are having some crazy fun over there though, that is good. We are still not doing anything crazy over here...I haven't even seen Pirates of the Carribean yet! (Which means I have to shut myself in another room when everyone else wants to talk about it). are some pictures from the Grand Opening at the Ark (since that is the only major event that I can think of). Actually, when I went to get these pictures, I realized these are not the ones I wanted, so I will have to get those other ones to send you. But these are a small taste I guess.
Also we are doing a lot of re-moldeling on our house, y'all will have to come see it when you get back. And we will have to do lots of other things too! are some better pictures.


Tom said...

Just to correct you, Marnee, it is more like adding on! ;)

krustacianken said...

it will be nice to be home. also, i havn't seen the movie either yet.

Rachael said...

home *sniffle sniffle*. sigh, there's no place like home, no place like home. (clicking my heels together) it will feel so good to see all of you again! i've forgotten what some of you look like...ok, just kidding. the ark is looking nice! hmmm...i'm listening to some praise and worship's like 8 AM and my suitemate is probably going to come in and yell at me. she was fired last night for underage drinking and probably has a bloody hangover. last night was weird.

Tom said...

in the picture of me, John, Kyle, and Andrea, it looks like I didn't do a good job shaving. It looks like I have spots of hair from the air.

Sarah said...

strangly enough tom i thought that you were craig in that picture...not sure that that is a compliment...oh well

Sarah said...

i miss hooooommmmeee by the way

Tom said...

ummm, Craig IS going bald...

Sarah, did you receive something in the mail recently?

Sarah said...

yes tom i got my um very appropriate greeting card...i will try to get well soon, tho i guess it depends on how much i am supposed to get well. oh and my marriage is going well as well thanks to the card.

Tom said...

well, I just decided to put that on there, just because you seem to bummed that you are missing home.

Rachael said...

jerk. you know you're counting down the days until we come home. ;)

Rachael said...

...awkward. lol. ummm...i hope you knew i was joking.

Rachael said...

it's definitely more than wouldn't know whether i've changed or not.

Sarah said...

well since tom seems to know everything, which ways do you think that it would be best for rachael to change...not...seriously grow the heck would you know if she had changed or not...all of us have changed and if you can't deal with that i guess you haven't changed a bit.

Sarah said...

really tom, cause she didn't think so on the phone...i think that you should get over that immature rap music and start listening to some real music like tchiakovsky

Tom said... Kenric, what's new man?

(Maybe Sarah isn't homesick anymore)

krustacianken said...

i think Sarah misses Tom Shannon.......................her love bwahahaha
ok, im done

Rachael said...

wow...lets all get along now.

Tom said...

Tom, you started arguing.
When Tom speaks everything gets out of hand (maybe he isn't strong enough).

Jenn said...

wait a second... tom isnt ringo?... what is the line-up for this show?... man.. i should have done something, oh well.

Rachael said...

tom, you classified war as one of the best things in life...something is wrong with that.

krustacianken said...

joel, just shut up. we didn't need that.

Tom said...

I would say something, but I would make it worse. So...Kenric...Super Smash.

krustacianken said...

the one i deleted.

Sarah said...

give me a break tom, i've had it with all of you. who is the one who says " we haven't changed" who is the one who constantly picked fights back home and intentionally tried to be annoying, not to mention breaking into email accounts. the only reason i said that you should get over rap music is because you said to rachael that she should loosen up. maybe you should...btw i don't plan on hanging out with you guys when i get home you can continue on with your bonding undisturbed.

Sarah said... the email i sent you...tom started this whole thing anyways and you added to it.

Adam said...

guys (Tom, Sarah, Rachael) seriously...shut up

Adam said...

Umm...Sarah when you said "btw i don't plan on hanging out with you guys when i get home you can continue on with your bonding undisturbed" & "i've had it with all of you." It sort of seems like a slap in the face to everyone else who isn't Tom. Who's at the Ark. Tom doesn't always speak for all of us. I understand you want to hang out with people your own age, but don't get carried away and get mad at all of us. I imagine or hope you meant otherwise. Also please don't try and blame everything on Tom. Maybe you aren't but it seems that way. Tom's wrong too, but you also made mistakes. You know the poem by John Godfrey Saxe, Blind Men and the Elephant. "Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong!" If I'm wrong please don't get really offensive like both of you do with each other, just tell me what I said wrong and why.

Adam said...

Anyway, Brian Flynn's going to play at the Mint Festival. I'll send you guys pics.

Sarah said...

adam you didn't see joel's comment that kenric deleted in rage. and i know that not all of you are glad we were gone this summer, but joel, daniel and the shannons were. The fact that they can't forgive or forget anything and blame all the fighting on us is what makes me mad. we all made mistakes and since we are all sorry for them there is no reason to keep bringing them up. tom and joel keep making comments and then are like " oh i was joking"...right, sure they were joking

Sarah said...

i brought up AFTER you brought up stuff and you know it.

Sarah said...

all we said was that they were young...i totally approve of them and i think that they are mature for their age...tom said that we criticize everything that he says? maybe if he didn't say whatever comes to his head and then excuse it by saying that he was joking. i think i might have to have a phone conversation with you..this is getting out of hand.

Adam said...

about sending pics...i forgot a pics...but i guess Marnee did take 1

Marnee said...

yeah, I'll post it and maybe some others soon.