Monday, February 28, 2005

Uses for Duct Tape

Some of these uses are dumb and sometimes these uses for duct tape I have actually seen.

Also, share your experiences of using duct tape.


krustacianken said...
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krustacianken said...

Ok, that wart remover one is nasty. I should try it for the one on my hand.
I mainly only use duct take at Wieber Lumber Company to tape up torn bags of Redi-Mix. Not much else. I think Jarud did acually use it to tape up a broken car window, though.

Tom said...

There is going to be only one use for duct tape for me.

Sarah said...

I make wallets out of it and I'm going to use it to beat Tom in a duct tape fight

Tom said...

You wish. First, you have to bring a roll of tape.