Friday, February 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by igknition.
Is this not cool? I love flickr. Tom it is completely up to you whether or not you are scared of bats. I'm not, I like them. I don't pick them up though, because they could have rabies or something worse. Anyway bats are cool.


Tom said...

Argument Starting Below. Proceed with extreme caution.

Now, Sarah, this is why I have always misunderstand your arguments.

You said that it is natural for people to be scared of spiders. Now, why on earth, can someone not have a fear of bats? Is it like bats are the exception to the rule, or something. Why are you scared of spiders and not scared of bats? Is it because spiders are "fear itself?" Are you going to go back to that stupid argument?

What I first said in that spider post was "Spiders don't scare me." And here, you say "I like them (bats)." How do you get your way and I don't get mine?

I warned you of this post.

Sarah said...

Bats don't have eight legs ( duh Tom)

Jenn said...

u guys are strange... and in love... strange love haha

Tom said...

Yes, we are stange. Atleast I am.

Sarah said...

Tom that's what I said on the other post, that I am afraid of octapuses also. And yes I am weird, actually, Tom I bet that I'm more weird than you are.

Tom said...

So you are saying, everyone is naturally afraid of octapuses too? Yes, you are weird.

Marnee said...

yes, everyone is naturally afraid of octopi. I am. In fact, if i was in the middle of the ocean on a life raft, I think I would be more afraid of an octopus than a spider. (I don't know if you'll agree with me on that one Sarah, and I don't mean to get involved. You are right about spiders being fear itself.)

Anonymous said...

Man will you Guys ever stop arguing??? Maybe you actually are in love

Tom said...

We will stop arguing, wait no. As long as we have something to disagree on, we will continue being mean and to argue.

Sarah said...

duh, why would anyone not want to argue. Man you people are strange, mostly you anonymous people.

Tom said...

I thought we were the only ones that are strange, Sarah.

Sarah said...

Tom, many people are strange, I prefer to go by the title weird, marnee remember when we talked about this? it iis better to be weird than strange.

Tom said...

I would call everyone strange/weird, if there is a difference.

What is your definition of weird and strange? Since you have a new meaning for everything, and make up what "fear itself" is.

Sarah said...

weird is good oddness, strange is bad oddness. And both Marnee and I discovered this meaning, so blame her.