Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by Kenshiro.
Ok guys, who does this look like? There are no wrong answers.....I think anyway.


Rachael said...

Jennifer and I don't know who it looks like. Maybe Tom, she said, because you're mad at him. He's grumpy today.

Sarah said...

Ok, Rachael and Jeniffer, I don't hate Tom, or anyone for that matter. I'm just a mean person. I like to pick on people for no reason. doesn't that sound christian. :) I have no idea who this person is. I just wanted to see who you guys would come up with. Tell Tom he's not allowed to be grumpy.

Sarah said...

sorry jennifer, spelled your name wrong. sorry rachel i'm spelling your name wrong just to be mean. sorry Been, Sorry Marnisipan, sorry Kenrick, Sorry Elaine.

Tom said...

I will agree that I was grumpy today, but like I have always said, you did the same to me, and you are getting upset. I got upset when sometimes everyone in the spanish class picked on me for some reason. Is it because I had complained a lot, quite possibly. But is that wrong, no. It is ok to be mad.

Sarah said...

Sorry Tom I didn't mean to pick on you. I will try to pick on some one else from now on. ( I'm not being sarcastic) Guys am I mean? Be honest, no sarcasm ( spelling?) allowed

Sarah said...

And I wasn't getting upset. I'm just like this all the's my sense of humor.

Tom said...

Sarah, I didn't mean you. I think the people I am referring to know who I am talking about. And about you being mean or not. I wouldn't call you mean. I think of anything else right now. I just wouldn't call you mean, you seem to be mean, but you really aren't. You know when you said you were sarcastic, well, it is sort of like that. You try to be mean or seem like it but you really aren't. Hopefully, that didn't confuse you.

Rachael said...

Were you possibly looking for an iron mask when you found that mask?

Sarah said...

Actually I wasn't, I looked up My Art or aomething like that, but when I saw the mask I just had to post it. Tom you need to say who you are talking to I thought you were mad at me.

Tom said...

Sarah, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about my Spanish class.

Sarah said...

Tom I know that you weren't talking about me. But I thought you were mad at me at first because you didn't say who you were talking from now on you MUST do that.