Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Why do I think that we should be able to post music? Around three times a day I hear a song and think. Man, they ( as in you people) should hear this, wait! I'll blog it, wait! I can't.....dang. It's like that weird thing were you forget you don't have to do something anymore, like go to work, yet you still think you have to every once in a while, before you remember you don't have to. So yeah I want you to hear my great crazy Irish music, and you can't.....rats.........................


krustacianken said...

If you want us to hear it, you could use this site to find the song(in MIDI format which is not high quality at all, but is small for file size) and post the link to the MIDI location.

Adam said...

Or you could tell us the song and say listen to a clip on bn.com and then we would and then we'd be like wow! or that's awful!