Monday, April 18, 2005

The Meaning of Life

There's just one question now, is this the end? All of the doctors, covered head to toe in their pale blue scrubs, exchange looks of worry and hopelessness over the situation before them. One by one their eyes return to the patient in front of them, and they each try, despairingly, one last time to think of anything more they can do. They each ask themselves the question, was there anything I could have done differently? This moment becomes, for each of the five surgical professionals, including myself, a time of deep person reflection. We realize we will have been failures in every aspect of our lives if this procedure should fail. What will we tell our husbands and wives, when we come home tonight and and we know we have failed?
Suddenly, we are pulled out of our silent reveries by a low beeping sound, followed by a soft humming. There are five short gasps heard around the room as the humming is followed by a quick procession of clicks and beeps. We begin to laugh out loud as the 2005 Black Dell computer that we have been trying for the past 5 hours to save from almost certain shut down comes back to life. Can this be happening? Is it real? We did it! We saved it after all! The small room is filled with celebration as the monitor screen flickers on. Now we won't have to live without our computer! All our files will be saved! There wasn't a dry eye in the room as we all beamed with joy.
This was a moment that changed my life forever. You could never know the full impact unless you had been there, but nonetheless I have tried to describe it to you, exactly as it happened, so that maybe you can share in the experience as I lived it, and learn from it as I did.


Jenn said...

m i the only person left going "huh?" after reading this? maybe i m.. thats ok.

Sarah said...

yeah I went "huh?" too. Did you write this Marnee or did you find it on a geek website?
It is well interesting.

krustacianken said...

Dude, you guys got a Dell?

Marnee said...

yes, I made it up as I was writing it. Ben was writing fun stuff so I wanted to try. I'm not really sure how it came out like that, but it did. Although it's not entirely without purpose. I mean, we (our society) does put a lot of importance on computers...

Yes Kenric, I was working on a Dell when I wrote it. It inspired me.