Thursday, April 21, 2005

"Many Catholics" Disappointed by Pope Pick....whatever

CBS's Early Show

Couric played up Nazi questions: "Father Greeley let me ask, let me, let me just move on and ask you about Pope John Paul II. He was credited for his commitment to Christian-Jewish reconciliation as you know. The first Pope to visit a synagogue. He apologized for the wrongs committed against the Jews throughout history by Christians. But Cardinal Ratzinger's past includes a brief membership in the Hitler Youth movement, service in the, with the German army in World War II, which was mandatory. But given his past associations do you think that will create a rift between Christians and Jews and what can he do to fix that?" Again, Greeley demurred, saying young Ratzinger resigned from the Hitler youth and deserted the German army. Couric somehow missed what ABC did not, that the Anti-Defamation League welcomed Pope Benedict as a friend of Jews and a foe of anti-Semitism.


Marnee said...

people who talk like that get an evil glare from me >:(

Marnee said...

(those are glare beams)

Jenn said...

well they r obviously going to ask about it, i mean come on, the media has to ask "excieting" questions, its their job.

Unknown said...

I understand that they try to make it "exciting", I've just heard it from so many other places. It's like, the guy didn't really have a choice when it came to serving in the military. Plus, he never even saw any action.

krustacianken said...

Nope, Joel, you now have two sites. Both addresses work.

Sarah said...

I know, they do have to make it exciting. But, actually their job is to report the news, not spread rumors or hint at contraversy. It's good that they asked the question to a good Catholic, but it still puts the Pope in a negative light.