Monday, April 18, 2005

Another Waste of a Website

Road Sign Math


Sarah said...

Holy cow, I do the same thing with the numbers on my digital alarm clock when I can't sleep.

krustacianken said...

Whatever happened to counting sheep?

Sarah said...

The sheep don't go where they are supposed to, they jump all over the place. Really I have no idea, doing stupid math problems and balancing out stuff helps me sleep.

Tom said...

And I thought Sarah didn't like math...

Sarah, cows aren't holy, unless they leave our farm. 3 more days, yahoo!

krustacianken said...

So, John, what about when her right math is wrong?

krustacianken said...

John, welcome.

Tom said...

Kenric, I am not sure if I can sense your sarcasm. You were joking there, right? Your second last post.

Marnee said...

Wow Sarah, you stare at your alarm clock and do math too? I think I already knew that, but I'm still supprised that I'm not the only one. Have you ever tried making words with the numbers, or shapes and pictures? Wow, that just made me sounds really weird I think. Oh well though, I did it.
I bet you guys did it too.
I'm not sure if I can agree that math is has made me fall asleep, but I'm not sure if that's the same thing.

Oh yeah, and the sheep thing just doesn't work for me either. Does it work for you Kenric? Hey, your name makes me think of ricky..then Uncle Rico. ha ha (you probably hate me now, don't you)

Jenn said...

hey i stare at my clock too.. well i used to.. but it drove me insane... you all are witness the the aftermath. yeah well i would even rearange the little lines to make different numbers than the ones actually there. it never helped me go to sleep, i only did it when i was on crazy medication that made me stay up... yeah so i avoid looking at digital clocks in bed now. speaking on digital clocks, have u ever unplugged your clock (or maybe this randomly happened) so it would blick at the right time? mine did it all by itself and i lef tit for a long time.. but then my mom ruined it (ggrr).

Jenn said...

i also used to think i was the only person who "fell" as they were falling asleep.. but i guess i m not. i'm sure i have told you guys this (since its one of my favorite things to tell). so after telling you what the falling really is has it ruined the experiance? it did for me i guess... not really in a bad way tho. now i dont feel like i m falling but i will still jerk. but before it felt like a concious jerk and now it is all by its self and for no reason. so yeah. i should ahve gone to bed a LONG time ago.

Jenn said...

oh and about the balancing thing... maybe its cuz yer a libra ;) ;) i'm one of those too. i have to have things equal all the time. balanced and centered and even. (odd+odd=even??) hehe

Sarah said...

Yeah, I hate algebra because it doesn't really give you an answer, but I love chemistry because it always does. Anyway, yeah a lot of the math I do on digital alarm clocks is crazy math, for example:
10:33. if you take the 3 and multiply it by the other 3, you get 9. Then you add the numeral 1 (because there is only 1 zero in the equation) to the 9 and you get 10. And everybody knows 10 equals 10.

Sarah said...

Don't try to tell me that my going-to-sleep math is irrational, I already know.

Jenn said...

i think its more rational than mine sometimes.

krustacianken said...

Tom, I was making fun of John's ever-present inability to use correct grammer. I don't think that I have ever fallen asleep counting sheep. Usually, when I decide to fall asleep, I will in about 5 minutes. I have done the numbers thing before, but at mass. I take the numbers on the song sign and add them together to make other numbers. I probably shouldn't. I do it without thinking about it a lot of the time.

Marnee said...

Kenric, how can you possibly fall asleep within 5 minutes? You are crazy lucky. I usually can't fall asleep for like half an hour at least.
No, you shouldn't do that at Mass...I think I've done it too.

Tom said...

I do stuff like that when feeding sometimes. Because I have to look at how much corn silage I need to get and stuff. So I remember this way to remember while I am in the bunker. Two more days and I won't have to do that for a while.

Does anyone really know how long it takes to fall asleep? Unless you are looking at the clock, and then when you wake up, if you can remember the last numbers you saw. I just assume it takes me 30 minutes but it is probably less, especially on weekends.

krustacianken said...

Well, ok, I said when i decide to fall asleep. I usually stay up pretty late, then I read some, so that helps. So, when i actually decide to fall asleep I do so in about 5-10 minutes (i think).

krustacianken said...

Shut up, Jarud.