Thursday, March 17, 2005

You have to do this today.

If you havn't heard, Terri Shiavo is a woman in Florida whose husband wants to take her feeding tube out, which will cause her to eventually die from starvation. He claims basically that she is in a coma like state, which is untrue. He is currently engaged to another woman, and he has already had two children with this other woman. There is currently a bill in process that will protect Terri and people like her. This is to be considered in both chambers today in Florida. If nothing is done, the feeding tube will be removed tomorrow. See and to find out more information and to see how you can contact the Florida Senators. Remember, this needs to be done today. At the very least, pray that the right decisions will be made.


Unknown said...

Unknown said...

If you are not familiar with the situation, check out this synopsis.

Anonymous said...

from adam:
First off is I have some terrible news and that is, if you haven't already heard, the feeding tube was removed. there's one thing we can do and that is pray. Praying can do so much and when you pray mean it. Throughout the day whenever you hear or think about it just say a little prayer. A little prayer can go a long ways. There is a huge mistake made on this subject and that is she is pretty much dead. She is alive. I don't know how anyone could let someone die. Most people also haven't caught on that her husband wants her dead so he can be with another woman (not that he isn't already). God's first gift was life. No matter what your condition. People aren't animals. You don't kill them to put them out of their misery. I know everyone who reads this agrees with me, but it feels good to be able to say something.

Sarah said...

Not to mention the fact that food is not an extraordinary means of care. The church teaches that food, water, and other basic care needs must be given to a patient even if extraordinary means are stopped. Our gov doesn't have the same laws, but I think that giving someone food and not starving them to death would be a logical thing to do, even if you think that they are brain dead. ( which, in terri's case, I don't)

Anonymous said...

from adam:

i fail to see how if you have a signed document isn't considered assisted suicide. They "want to die" and the doctors "assist" them.