Monday, March 28, 2005

What's up!

Just wondering what's going on in everyone's lives. I heard about the meeting tomorrow, but can't make it because of track. Aaa track, I dread it everyday, yet love it. Quite a strange thing. It was so beautiful out today. Too bad we had a hard workout. Our first meet is Wednesday, sooo I'm pretty excited about that! I did an awesome book talk today and Wednesday, I'm doing a presentation on the Ukraine. Next week, I'm off to New York City to play at Central Park and of course see the city!! Ooo and I have a job interview Thursday. Most everyone knows that, but I thought I'd tell about it anyway. There were 45-50 applicants and they have 5 job openings. Yikes, I'm one of the 18 "semifinalists" I guess you could call them. There's my life in a nutshell.


Sarah said...

What! you get to go to New York! I'm so jealous.
Yeah, all that's new with me isn't really new; I have to write yet another british lit paper....three thousand words...again. Gahhhhh stupid writing, well I'll shut up about that, I already complained on my blog.
Anyway, are we going to play music at the church on thursday? It is after 8 cause of first friday, right?

Tom said...

What meeting tonight?

Can someone shed some light on this? Is the meeting for The Ark? What time is it at?

Jenn said...

i'm not in the loop either tom, im never privvy to n e ark info

Tom said...

Well, since the meeting was probably at 7:00 if anything, I am missing it.

Once you people come back from the meeting, share what is up.

Unknown said...

I'm not positive, but I don't think it was an actual meeting. I believe it was just Craig and whoever wanted to go looking in at coffee shops in lansing and their prices on cappocino (I know that's not how to spell it).

krustacianken said...

Ben is correct. That is all it was. We just went to the MSU campus and checked out the pricing for cup-of-chino and such. We also took some more pictures because I guess that Craig and people who want the Ark to look good are having a hard time getting the Ark to be finished how we like. Craig wants to show the pictures to Father C. to sort of show him what we might want it to look like.

Jenn said...

well thats good that he has pictures of cool places.

Anonymous said...

Well kenny if you go to one of the MSU foot ball games, a small soft drink is about $2.55, and cappocino is a little more. You should go price it out at quality dariy or some other place yup

krustacianken said...

Who the heck are you?