Monday, March 14, 2005

The Story of A Paint Scheme

I just thought I would let you guys know that Craig is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the GM workers for Thursday morning. I guess there was a big hubbub when the workers saw our color scheme. Tiffany Klein also stopped by to look at it and was also in favor of a different scheme. Now I mean it when I say, "do not get angry." I started to get a little mad when Craig told me, but there is no reason to get mad because some of us had mentioned that we weren't sure about the colors anyway. So, I will keep you posted on the time of this Thursday's meeting. All I know right now is that it will be in the morning during school, so you will have to miss school if you want to make it (alas). But please, do not get angry about it.


krustacianken said...

I am angry and annoyed. They are just going to pick their own colors again. Wasn't it Tiffany who designed the other side. That might give you some idea of what type of color scheme they are thinking about putting on the game room side; a boring color scheme that is. What are our chances of getting the colors that we want. Slim. We have to push for this. We can't let them just override our decisions.

Jenn said...

I dont understand why they would meet during the day, that is awful of them. We should get to design the whole thing and we haven't got to decide n e thing. at least i haven't. i can't stand the colors (i know i'm not alone there) and they better not make it granny colors on the other side too. a game room is supposed to be FUN! stupid old people. (not real old people, just the ones making decisions for us that suck)

Tom said...

I agree with both of you. I guess they might still not understand that this primarily a youth center. No gray colors in the game room. I just thought of something. You know how we wanted the CMAC banners in the cafe part, we could do it in the game room and it does make sense.

Anonymous said...

from a very concerned youth group member:

the colors we picked weren't really that great, but I'd prefer it if we'd have Tiffany Klein suggest the colors and then we'd say yes or no on them, but it seems unlikely. From what I heard was Tiffany Klein had other suggestions for the cafe part, but they didn't like any of those. I'm not sure how the workers are able to make such a decision anyway. They didn't volunteer to be the boss, but to do what work we choose for them to do.

Unknown said...

from me again:

why didn't Craig or somebody make them chose a time when the youth group could actually attend this meeting. Why are they putting so much effort into having things there own way and preventing us from having any say? How come none of us knew about them putting in textured walls? Why wasn't the ark at least asked once what we might want? Who are they volunteering to help? Us or them?

Anonymous said...

sorry the post that was logged in as Ben is not Ben. That was an accident. It is adam.

Jenn said...

isnt it our youth group? ours as in the youth's? this woman, who clearly is color blind based on the "cafe" side, is not a youth group member and should not be incharge of picking the colors. We have complained about the colors from the begining on that side and i dont understand why we are letting her do it again. when we were told about this renovation project in the begining (when half of us still wanted it to stay the same) we were told we would have MAJOR creative control. so far we havent had much. i know that some people got to go shopping for the "cafe" (yeah i hate that its called a cafe) after the design was in place for the furnature but i dont think there was much control over that either. so far the revovations have only hurt the ark as far as i can see. maybe the powers that be should think about changing their game plan since everything they have done so far has not worked well. why r these workers having n e say in our building at all? its not their building they r just working on it. the workers and the klein need to stay out of the decision and leave those to us. isnt craig supposed to be on our side? why is he letting them make decisions? they dont know what will bring kids in, obviously, look at the stupid "CAFE!" ok, i m done... for now.

krustacianken said...


Anonymous said...

from adam:

Tiffany Klein had other color schemes that were better, but the workers didn't like any of the other ones. Tiffany doesn't really like the way that color scheme looks and so she wants it changed. It's possible to design something and not like it. Tiffany Klein does know a lot more than we do about what colors are good. That's why she will design and we will say if that's something we like. If it isn't then we won't go with that. She isn't color blind the gm workers pretty much just forced her to make something bad.