Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Saudi Cleric Blames Christmas For Tsunami


"Tens of thousands dead. It was said that they were tourists on New Year's vacation who went to the crowded coral islands for the holiday period, and then they were struck by this earthquake, caused by the Almighty Lord of the worlds. He showed them His wrath and His strength. He showed them His vengeance. Is there anyone learning the lesson? Is it impossible that we will be struck like them? Why do we go their way? Why do we want to be like them, with their holidays, their forbidden things, and their heresy?"

The cleric believes that God created the tsunami for the purpose of taking vengeance on peoples sinful activities during the holy season of Christmas. True, Christmas is dominated with bad things such as extreme materialism, gluttony, drunkenness, etc. but I don't think this was the reason for the tsunami. I do believe it was a natural disaster. Through our prayers though, God has the power to make good come from this mess.
146,000 dead. Please remember the poor victims and survivors in your prayers.

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