Thursday, January 20, 2005

2 Inch Spider at Rubi's Hotel, Utila

AHHHHH!! I found this and it made me think of the time Rachael saved my life. It is a real live Honduran spider.


Rachael said...

I think that is the exact type of spider that I squashed. I vividly remember what it looked like- big, huge, hairy and fuzzy. Mmmm...I miss Honduras.

Tom said...

Spiders don't scare me.

Sarah said...

yes they do Tom. Everybody is scared of spiders---no exceptions. Even my grandpa, who was a bug researcher ( can't think of the latin name) did not like spiders. So, Tom, you have to be scared of them.

Tom said...

Sarah, you can't prove it.

Sarah said...

yes i can

Tom said...

Well Sarah,

Since you think I am scared of spiders, and Kenric and others think you will be scared of The Grudge, then you can't prove anything.

But now how were you going to prove that I am scared of spiders.

Rachael said...

We find big hairy spiders from our basements and stick them in your bed. There is no way you could say you wouldn't be scared.

Tom said...

I will give you that, if I saw it out of nowhere. But if a spider is just crawling around, I wouldn't be afraid.
I can use the same context to say that you two (Rachael and Sarah) will be scared of The Grudge. In your scenario I wouldn't be expecting a spider in my bed.

Therefore, you two wouldn't be expecting WHEN the ghost or whatever it is that scares people in The Grudge, appears. And therefore, you will be scared. Don't complain to me about that theory, it was yours Rachael.

Anonymous said...

You were scared of signs. I think you also would be scared of a spider.

Sarah said...

Ok, Tom, I will not be afraid of the Grudge. I am afraid of spiders because they scare me all the time, not just when they surprise me. Things that surprise me might make me jump, but they don't scare me. You are afraid of spiders because they may surprise you, the same reason why you were afraid of Signs. Therefor, Rachael, that Anonymous person, and I are right. We will not be afraid of the Grudge.

Tom said...

Yes I was afraid of Signs in certain situations. When it is so quiet and then there is a loud sound of course I am going to jump. If I see a spider not right in front of me, I will not jump. If I wake up and it is the first thing I see I will jump. Sarah, is it true that you will not see The Grudge? Why is that? You don't want to afraid? I faced my fear and saw Signs, why won't you do the same?

Tom said...

How will you know that you will not be afraid of The Grudge? You have to see it first and then and only then will you say if you are afraid of it or not. I will watch the movie, I am not afraid of being afraid. Maybe you are though!

Sarah said...

I am to seeing the Grudge!! Who said I wasn't? I know I will not be afraid of it because, as someone more famous than I said "the only thing to fear is fear itself" Therefor, because the Grudge is not fear itself, I will not be afraid of it. I will not have to face my fear of it because I'm not afraid of the Grudge. End of story( unless you want to conceed defeat:) )

Tom said...

So Sarah, you thought you outsmarted me. You just proved that I am not afraid of spiders. Wow. I guess the only thing to fear is fear itself. Just wow. Maybe you need to accept defeat.

Sarah said...

No Tom you didn't understand what I meant. Everyone is afraid of spiders if the spiders surprise them. So, you are afraid of them. I am not afraid of scary movies, so the only way I'll be scared of the Grudge is if it makes me jump. Other than that I won't scared. Unlike some people who were afraid of corn fields. Because you were afraid of corn fields, and corn fields are not fear itself, you are afraid of spiders. I am only afraid of things that are real, like spiders, not movies. Unless those movies are fear itself, which they are not. Spiders on the other hand are fear itself, so you have to be scared of them.

Tom said...

You are applying that I was actually scared of cornfields. Yes, I did say I was scared of cornfields, but was I just kidding? Yes. Did you take it the wrong way? Yes. Cornfields with only corn is nothing, but its the thought that in the movie there was an alien in it. Maybe having fear is different for everyone. A fear for you is different for me. The definition can change. You are scared of spiders all the time. I am scared of them (as a stimulated reaction) when they just appear. Those two are different definitions of being afraid.

Tom said...

This topic that goes on forever is really your fault Sarah. I first said I wasn't scared of spiders (it is a picture of a spider for crying out loud) and you just had to get it started.

Sarah said...

Ok Tom we'll call it pax ( you did however start the whole thing by saying that you were not afraid of spiders)

Tom said...

I was just stating an opinion. Even though you also started an opinion that everyone is afraid of spiders, that started the war.

Sarah said...

no Tom you started it all by saying that you weren't afraid of spiders. Knowing me you should have known I would take issue with that statement. It's your fault.

Tom said...

Who started the thread to begin with? Sarah... Maybe you knew that I would have said something like that, so you shouldn't have even posted it.

Sarah said...

Ok Tom, because you might not agree with me, I will never post again.

Tom said...

I highly doubt that. But you will post something whether it be a reply or a new thread.

Sarah said...

I was being sarcastic, Tom. I am and probably will post more stuff.

Tom said...

I guess you are going to feel my wrath, Sarah. If I disagree with anything you say, of course, I will be there to protect my opinion.

Sarah said...

Ok Tom. Although we will probably disagree on a lot of stuff( i am, by the way, always right) I think we could find something that everyone on this blog will agree with. Therefore, we should water down the truth and be more subjective in our thinking. (I am a very,very sarcastic person.)

Tom said...

Well, Sarah, we can agree that I am winning in this conversation since I have the latest post. But once you see this, you will, however, post. As far as posting somewhat serious stuff, I don't know if we will agree with it.

Sarah said...

What serious post are you talking about Tom? I am now winning

Tom said...

The serious post did not happen yet. By the way, I am winning.

Sarah said...

Tom I think that you should post a huge long serious post. Rachael, Ben, and Marnee seem to be good at it. Jennifer and Kenric never post and You and I only fight about dumb stuff. So you should post a profound paper talking about a profound subject. I win

Tom said...

You didn't win yet. Sooner or later, I will have a long post. I am winning...

Sarah said...

Tom, what are we going to do when this is bumped off of the main page? Go to the arcives and comment? I am going to WIN!!!!

Tom said...

What are you going to do when that happens? The same thing as what I will do. Besides, I am in the process of writing a serious post.

Tom said...

By the way, I am winning.

Sarah said...

Nope, I'm winning. Ok Tom you wrote a serious post, now you just have to work on the long part.

Tom said...

Well I guess I am finally winning.

Sarah said...

Nope I am.

Tom said...

I thought you said you are right all the time. I guess not.

Sarah said...

What are you talking about???!!!!!!! Tom, you are going to drive me insane if you don't start explaining yourself.

Tom said...

I could have sworn you said you are always right or something like that. And then you said in your post before your lastest one on this topic, you are winning, but I disagreed, because I posted making you wrong. Get it now?

Sarah said...

if i did say that i was always right I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!!!!! Ok end of story and I am winning.

Tom said...

I am winning now and I am not being sarcastic.

Sarah said...

I am sooooooooooooooooo losing and soooooooooo being sarcastic.

I WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom said...

Sarah, I made it official. I won. For further review, see the tape sculpture topic for evidence, if you didn't already.

Sarah said...

Hem, I beg to disagree. Tom you will never beat me ok, see the tape post for further details. Spiders are scary, the Grudge is dumb, and I will win. These are the truths of life.

Tom said...

Maybe you have a point about The Grudge being dumb, but you aren't right about winning.

Sarah said...

Yeah I am.

Tom said...

My computer is working again, so I will win this post.

Sarah said...

Hey I posted the 50th comment so I win!!

Tom said...

If that was the case that if someone posts the 50th post, anyone could easily post a lot of posts just to win. In other words, this didn't win for you. I am winning.

Sarah said...

I know Tom, sometimes I can't resist using a dumb argument. ( I give in to peer-pressure)

Tom said...

Yeah, like the one you started here.

Tom said...

"I am only afraid of things that are real, like spiders, not movies. Unless those movies are fear itself, which they are not. Spiders on the other hand are fear itself, so you have to be scared of them." I just saw this what you said a long time ago. Just to start another conversation, why are spiders fear itself?

Sarah said...

Well I looked in the dictionary for this one and this is what it said:
" Fear Itself- an object which causes fear in every human being. Such objects are identified by their eight legs and by the fact that they are real, as in not computer generated. They are called fear itself because they cause fear in all those who claim to be human. In fact those who are found to not be afraid of fear itself can be identified as aliens"
Note: I think that the fear itself thing applies to octupi( or what ever plural octupus is) also.

Tom said...

Sarah, did you ever think about being a comedian when you get older. I think you are ready right now. :)

Sarah said...

What are you trying to say Tom? Do you not think that the dictionary is right? Well go argue with it then.

Tom said...

I don't need to look up if you were sarcastic there, Sarah.

Sarah said...

Really Tom have you ever tried looking in the dictionary to see if I'm being sarcastic or not? If not I think that you should, however, I don't think that you have the same dictionary as I do.

Tom said...

Since you haven't told me you were being sarcastic (you told me you would tell me if you were being sarcastic), I am not going to buy it.

Maybe if the dictionary you used is your imagination, it would be in there. I, however, can't go into your head, unless I ride a magic school bus or something!

Sarah said...

Tom I said that I would tell yoou if I was NOT being sarcastic, look it up it's on marnee's blog.

Tom said...

That was what I meant, and I wasn't joiking.

But whatever, you still are sarcastic in the last post, because you didn't tell me you weren't sarcastic.

Sarah said...

First of all I don't know what joiking is and second of all this post and my last one are not sarcastic.

Tom said...

"Well I looked in the dictionary for this one and this is what it said:
" Fear Itself- an object which causes fear in every human being. Such objects are identified by their eight legs and by the fact that they are real, as in not computer generated. They are called fear itself because they cause fear in all those who claim to be human. In fact those who are found to not be afraid of fear itself can be identified as aliens"
Note: I think that the fear itself thing applies to octupi( or what ever plural octupus is) also. "

I meant this one was sarcasm.

Joiking is a word used to describe when I am joking. But anyway, I can't type at all.

Sarah said...

Tom there is no way that I was being sarcastic with that post, I was dead serious. ( note: i didn't say that I wasn't being sarcastic on this post)

Tom said...

Is this the same Sarah? Since you are trying to confuse me with this crap, I will just say fear itself is not in the dictionary, but in your own imaginary mind.

Sarah said...

Sheesh Tom, don't be so cranky. And My mind is not imaginary, it really does exist.

Tom said...

Fear itself is not in the dictionary. Maybe "fear" and "itself" are in the dictionary but not together being defined.

My witness is Tyler Simon. Tyler says, "Quit crying, crybaby (Sarah), spiders are fuzzy and nice."
The Plantiff (me) will rest at this time.

Note: Tyler actually said this at school.

Sarah said...

whatever Tom
First of all I don't even know of a Tyler Simon
Second what does saying that "Spiders are warm and fuzzy" have to do with fear itself being in the dictionary.
Third what if Tyler Simon does not exist and is just a figment of your imagination.
Fourth what if you ( or Tyler Simon) is an alien.
Fifth, What does calling someone a crybaby have to do with proving them wrong. ( I'll give you an answer: nothing.)
Sixth, My dictionary is the most complete dictionary in the world, it even has the word "blog" in it. Does your dictionary have the word blog in it?

Tom said...

(Sarah this is a long post, but not a too serious one.)
"First of all I don't even know of a Tyler Simon."
He is one of the "geeks" that go to Jarud's to play games. He is a very smart person.
"Second what does saying that 'Spiders are warm and fuzzy' have to do with fear itself being in the dictionary."
It sort of doesn't. What? I can't talk about something. You are the one that said fear itself was in the dictionary defining it as spiders.
"Third what if Tyler Simon does not exist and is just a figment of your imagination."
I think you shouldn't be talking about making up stuff! But he really does exist.
"Fourth what if you ( or Tyler Simon) is an alien."
If I was, I would not let you kill me with a bat, and I would breathe my bad breath from my fingers into your nose.
"Fifth, What does calling someone a crybaby have to do with proving them wrong. ( I'll give you an answer: nothing.)"
I only typed it. Tyler said it.
"Sixth, My dictionary is the most complete dictionary in the world, it even has the word "blog" in it. Does your dictionary have the word blog in it?"
I will give you that, my dictionary doesn't have blog in it.
But just to tell you, I searched "fear itself" on
It didn't have anything on it, and they say everything is on the internet.

Rachael said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe you two are still talking about that. I am completely mindboggled at it...stop arguing, or I will beat you two with numchucks.

Tom said...

Did you hear that, Sarah? Rachael is picking a fight with us. After we stop arguing, which is never, we should gang up and fight her. You enemy is my enemy!

By the way, Rachael, I thought you didn't like Napolean Dynamite.

Sarah said...

NO Tom she's picking a fight with you, not me, and she's right. You need to just admit you are wrong and give up...

Marnee said...

Guys!! Sarah and Tom! I don't even have enough time to read all that you've posted, but I have a feeling I'm not missing much. I guess it's a harmless way to stay long as you don't start getting violent. But of course you won't, since you only enjoy fighting verbally I believe. How long will this go on? I mean, there must be some kind of comment limit, and I'm sure you must be close if there is. Oh well, I do sort of enjoy reading your comments, but could you change veins and talk (argue) about something else?
Oh, by the way... Sarah is the winner.

Tom said...

Sarah and I agreed that we would just post and whoever posts last will win.

Now Marnee, if we did it that way, to vote or something, obvisously I would lose, because there are 4 girls on this blog, and only 2 guys. But Ben, I would think he would just jump on the bandwagon, just because I think that is how he is.

Marnee, it is only 74, now 75 after this post, on one argument. The other argument is in the tape sculputure post, which has already 35 or so posts.

Sarah said...

Um, i thought that the tape post was arguing about the same thing as this post, for the most part anyway. I will win...

Tom said...

The arguing in the tape post didn't start with spiders, it started with my question about the movie, and then it went off from there. We don't even talk about one subject anymore. This and the tape post is just places for us to argue about anything really, and it is a good separation between us. A separation to not have us have a physical fight or something. Of course, I would win in that one, if we had it. However, I might not, because I probably won't hit a girl. That is probably the same reason me and Rachael won't fight at the water tower.

Enough rambling, and to get to the point, I am winning in both posts.

Sarah said...

No way would you win Tom. I can beat up you and anyone else. So after you and Rachael fight on the water tower, you can recover from your horrible defeat and then fight me. And then you'll have two horrible defeats to recover I guess I win.

Tom said...

We won't fight ON the water tower. The loser would most likely get thrown off. Anyway, enough with the awful images.

Sarah said...

So Tom you didn't say that you wouldn't lose...ummmmmmm, I win!!! Fine you can fight by the water tower. YOu're still going to lose.

Tom said...

I didn't want to hurt your feelings, Sarah. (Sarcasm)

Sarah said...

Haha, i can post again.
whatever Tom, u would say the samething if i beat u, " oh, i let u win cause i didn't want to hurt your feelings" Well i don't think so Tom, you KNOW that you'll lose....

Tom said...

You can only dream, Sarah.

Sarah said...

Nope, I'm not dreaming ( i just pinched myself) I WILL beat you Tom.

Tom said...

You can't win if you are sick. You should be in bed resting up!

Sarah said...

I already did, I slept for four hours yesterday...I'm still sick though. Not as bad as yesterday. I can beat you even if I'm sick.

Tom said...

We will see. And getting me sick is outlawed.

Sarah said...

yeah tom i'll send a virus to your computer and you'll get sick.....
anyway spiders are scary and you lose.

Tom said...

Of course you won't send a virus through the computer, but if I get the flu or something, you will hear me complain (like that ever happens) to you about getting me sick.

Anway, spiders being scary is only your opinion.

Sarah said...

Yeah but my opinions are Always right, at least most of the time. And you are just wrong about spiders, Tom, you should just accept your fear of them instead of denying it.

Tom said...

Sarah, you are so ignorant. Your opinions are always, or almost always right. GOSH!! You can't possibly think that. But I think you were sarcastic there, anyway.

Anywho, nine more to go until we hit the century mark. This will never end, especially since we both think we are right.

Sarah said...

And your opinion is that I'm ignorant, interesting, I guess it's just an opinion though. You know we don't have to argue we could just say that both of us are right, even though that's not posible. Never Mind we'll just say that I win.

Tom said...

"And your opinion is that I'm ignorant, interesting, I guess it's just an opinion though." Sarah, everyone is wrong sometimes. We are all humans, unless you are an alien or something. But then again you can't be, because you say everyone is afraid of spiders, and if you aren't, you are an alien.

"You know we don't have to argue we could just say that both of us are right, even though that's not posible. Never Mind we'll just say that I win." Like that will ever happen.

Sarah said...

Ahhhhhhhh, Tom you guessed it......I'm an alien. Don't tell anybody or I'll vaporize you. And i'm right about the spiders, cause being an alien I know that kind of stuff.

Tom said...

I am going to do this again. Oh, this is the post that never ends...

5 more!!

Sarah said...

DON"T SING THAT SONG, if you have to sing sing something else....Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'll vaporize you, you earthling.

Tom said...

I don't think you should want me to sing at all.

I know what I am going to do for my career: Bug Sarah.

"This is the post that never ends...Unless someone says they are wrong, this is the post that never ends... And this someone is not me, because I am singing in the post that never ends..."

Anyway, I am winning.

Sarah said...

Well don't be a song writer whatever you do.
And don't sing either, as a matter a fact don't do anything. Therefore I'll win.

Sarah said...


Sarah said...

Hey this is the 100th post and I'm posting it so I win!!!!

Tom said...

Like I said in the "fighting post", very cheap. Your second last one is about nothing.

Sarah said...

Duh Tom, and you're a spotted dog now cause you posted the 101th post. ( Cerela Devile)

Tom said...

Or it means that that post is "black and white", not a single gray speck in it, so therefore I am clearly the winner in this.

On a side note, in Signs their dog dies because he was barking or something right, at an alien? And you are that alien, but the dog wasn't a dalmation. If it was, that would mean you would most likely win this. But since it isn't, I win.

Tom said...

So Sarah, you really want this post to be deleted? You will have to reply again, and say your answer.

Sarah said...

He-hem, This will be the last time I post on this post. So whatever happens to it is someone else's problem. Thank you and good night.

Tom said...

Well, "This is the post that never ends..wait...Sarah just quit replying. But will this post be deleted? Should I be the last person that posts on this? Would that make me the winner since the winner is the last to post? This post will end as me as the winner. Sarah was wrong. The post ends and Sarah, I win!!!"