Sunday, September 18, 2005

Update From Florida

Hey guys,
It's me again. I'm posting a brief up date of my current status. This post may be in a rather random order, but hey, it's been a long week.

First off, the food is as good as ever here. I had breaded shrimp on Friday. That was pretty good. For the most part, though, I eat a lot of meat and potatoes an other generaly unhealthy food.

I have also seen three movies and one season of a TV series. The movies were: Amadeus, which was a great movie and I recomend it to all of you, Super Mario Brothers, which was a bad movie and that made it hilarious, and On the Waterfront, which was a very good movie and it stared Marlon Brando, who "Coulda been a contenda." That was only this week, last week I watched the first two Austin Powers movies. The week before that I saw Edward Scissorhands and Arsinic and Old Lace. Incedentaly, I highly recomend both of those movies. So, as I commented to Tim last night, in my first year here I will probably watch more and better movies than I did in the last year and a half.

Now, as for the rest of my life (ha, ha). I usualy get to bed somewhere between 12 and 1 o'clock, and on school days I get up around 7:30. Most other days I get up after 10. As you can probably tell I get less sleep than I should, but I'm working on that.

Moving on to the most important part of my life, schoolwoork. I'm behind in my reading for most of my classes. I finished the Iliad this week, however, so I'm thankful for that victory, anyway. I also have a paper due for the Iliad on the 30th, so as usual I'm having a hard time getting started. Oh well, I guess school is a neverending process.

Finaly, rest of my life. There is not a whole lot to report. My roommates and I still get into a lot of discussions, which is the main reason I'm behind in my homework. I also went swing dancing the Friday before last, and I plan to go again next Friday. I'm not too bad at it, and it is lots of fun. You guys need to get Marnee to teach you how. Other than that there is not a whole lot going on for me that I can think of.

Feel free to post any questions you my have for me about my life here and I will check the blog every day and try to respond to them.

Talk to you guys soon,


P.S. I was reading Catholic Exchange as I wrote this, and I came across this article that mentions Lansing. I think you guys might find this interesting. Enjoy.


John W said...

I forgot one thing in my update, the weather. The weather is miserable down here. Hot and humid, it's pretty close to my vision of Hell. And so, as the song says "I'm only happy when it rains." Thankfuly it rained yesterday, and I went swiming in the pool while it was raining, that was as much fun as I've had wiht the weather, all week.

Jenn said...

rachael and i learned a little wing dancing, remember that rachael? mrs. pierson and nick can sure cut a rug. wes and i weren't too bad.

Rachael said...

what? nick was my partner. lol. i think you meant that mrs. pierson and i can sure cut a rug.

krustacianken said...

Ok, first of all Austin Powers? Why would you watch that movie? Second of all, swing dancing? ,:| hahaha. I'm mean. I have seen Super Mario Brothers and I would agree that its pretty bad. Wow, shrimp, thats awesome. I dont think that many of us, with the exception of Rachael and Tom, get much sleep either, although I could be wrong. By the way, fryoqs. Almost could be a word.

Tom said...

Seriously, why do you guys think I get a lot of sleep? I don't take naps like you and Rachael.

Kenric, did you leave the Ark early to go over to Kyle, or did you just leave to go to bed?

Jenn said...

nick might have been your partner but he sure danced with mrs. pierson a lot. she tried to teach him that other dance when we were all still working on the first one.

Sarah said...

yeah um tom don't even start.
sweet john figured out how to post, that's awesome and yeah the weather here is too warm as well, although i doubt it's as bad as florida. and as kenric said, why would you watch austin powers...

Jenn said...

because its... funny... and part of american pop culture... and i think john appreciates that kidn of crap, i know i do...

John W said...

I did not recomend that you watch Austin Powers. I guess my grammer was a little unclear. Besides, most of you, with the exception of Jennifer, would not like it.

I thought the first one was pretty funny. The second one was sick, but it did have its funny parts. But that's just me.

John W said...

In more news, I finaly got a job here. I'm a Student Reporter for the school newspaper. So far I haven't been given any assignments. But I just got hired today.

Tom said...

That's great, John.

lmlad? I'm a lad?

Jenn said...

yeah, the first one was the only good one.

Marnee said...

Cool John, now you can make posting easy by just posting the articles you write, then we can stay updated on Ave Maria. Or maybe we wouldn't care that much. It depends on what it's about.
I don't like shrimp. Yes I love swing dancing, and I just learned a new (and more awesome) waltz.

John W said...

You have to teach me when I come back.