Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Pope Tape Found

Last night I went to visit Anthony at the rectory and we watched Bourne Identity. But that wasn't the point. After it, Father Tim got back from his cruise trip, and he said that someone got a hold of a tape talking about Popes being hypricrits and stuff and said it was anti-Catholic and she gave it to him. We (Father Tim, Anthony, Mathias, Andrew and myself) watched it for like 5 minutes and we were already sick of it. The guy in there kept repeating himself and I guess it was meant for brainwashing people. And Father today at the conclusion of the Mass, warned everyone to ditch this tape, if they find another one, which seems innocent (it actually says "A must-see for Catholics, Pray the Rosary." Stuff like that. Anyway, yeah.


Sarah said...

yeah someone put those tapes on peoples' cars after the 8 am mass at our church last sunday. Father Mason said something about it at mass today.

Tom said...

I wonder who these people are.

Tom said...

I meant what their names are, but then again, I don't know many baptists or mormons.