Thursday, June 02, 2005


You're given a week off from whatever you have to do to go camping. You are given unlimited camping supplies (but you have to give them back when you're done) and you can go wherever you want. Where would you go, (or would you) and what would you take with you. Basically, what's your ideal camping scenario?


Tom said...

Well, I would like to go climb Mt. Everest, but since you can't give any of the oxygen bottles, or whatever they use, back, I can't do that. Looking at the map in our office, Australia might sound good. There isn't much, as in people, out there, so it would be stress free, and lots of wildlife. I would probably take a tent, lots of film for my camera, and maybe a gun for me to shoot game animals (I don't know if they have any though).

Being the first person to comment is tough.

Unknown said...

I would walk and camp on the beaches of the Mediterranian Sea.

Sarah said...

i would get a bike lots of money and some form of defence on go riading all over europe. Camping out in where ever i could.

Jenn said...

ben, stop being like me. u seriously stole my idea, i m not kidding. hhmm... let me think up somewhere else... maybe morocco, i know it would be sandy and awful but i really want to go. its my only dirty, horrible place i want to go pretty much.

krustacianken said...

So, Sarah, you are a viking and would get a castle and steal stuff? Sarah the horrible.

Adam said...

To Kenric's response I say:


Sarah said...

it's called a typo kenric, i meant to say riding, the a was an accident, ok.

Adam said...


now i get it